Chapter 11

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"Aghh." Ahren sits up in bed.

"What's wrong?" Joel asks with his hot coffee in his hand, looking up from his phone.

"My head." Ahren rubs his temple. "I've got the worst fucking migraine."

Joel smiles. "Told ya."

"What? What happened?" Ahren asks confused.

"We went to go see the Orioles last night and you were drunk out of your mind, and you were obnoxious as hell. And also, you tried to have drunk sex with me." Joel explains.

"Oh shit." Ahren laughs. "Wait, what'd I do?"

Joel pulls out his phone. "Luckily, I got some of it on video." Joel stands up and walks to Ahren, plopping down next to him and showing him the video.

In the video, a drunken Ahren pulls his shirt off and waves it around in the air, screaming profanities and cheering for his team. Joel managed to get the part where he turned around and flipped the people behind him off.

"Wow." Ahren opens his eyes widely. "I can't really say much, other than I can't believe I did that."

"Me neither. I was so pissed at the time but looking back, that was hilarious."

"I feel so bad." Ahren fiddles with his hands.

"Why?" Joel asks and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Cos we went to the game and I don't remember any of it, except for the first inning or two."

"Ohh, don't worry about that, baby, it's fine. I had fun laughing at you, and you got really happy when you got the tickets. Don't sweat it." Joel smiles at his hurting boyfriend.

"Alright, I won't, just get me some headache relief, please." Ahren plops into a ball.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I'm just gonna run up to the CVS and get you some medicine."

"Ugh, okay, Joel, please hurry."

Joel steps out of the house and drives to the CVS, grabs some generic headache relief medicine, and quickly drives back to his boyfriend, sitting in the bed in peace and quiet.

"You better get better by tonight." Joel says as he pops 2 of the pills in his hand, pours a glass of water, and hands them to Ahren.

"Thank you," Ahren says and swallows the pills, followed by a long gulp of water. "What's tonight?"

"Um?" Joel says confused, figuring that Ahren had already known, "Our first show is tonight?"

"Fuck, really?"

"Yeah, you didn't know?" Joel laughs.

"No, I did, but I just didn't realize that it was tonight."

"I can't believe we're this far already, babe. We're already on tour after months of work."

"We wouldn't be here without you, Joel." Ahren says, wincing in pain, as the pills haven't quite kicked in yet, but smiling proudly.

His boyfriend smiled brightly at the compliment, although Ahren knew he would brush it off since Joel was never one to boast.

"I'm just a screamer, Ahren, don't tell me we wouldn't be here without me. We have a band."

"Can't you take a compliment?" Ahren scoffs.

"I'm not used to compliments." Joel's tone turns serious.

"Well, with me, you will." Ahren winks.

"Ahren, honey, please. I don't need compliments. I'm surely fine without them."

"I want to make sure you know you're loved, Joel." Ahren kisses Joel's cheek.

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