Chapter 16

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(Smut warning for this chapter)

Joel's eyes flicker open and stare straight at the ceiling, waiting for Ahren to wake up so they could start their day. After a half an hour of waiting, Joel got impatient and walked into the kitchen to make coffee.

Bel steps out of her bedroom and sits at the kitchen bar, waiting for Joel to notice her.

"Well good morning." Joel turns around after pouring the coffee grinds into the coffee machine. The room was instantly filled with the sweet smell of coffee.

"Good morning." She greets groggily. "Aren't you a happy camper today?"

Joel chuckles. "Yeah, I guess so. It's my first day with just Ahren and I in a few days so both of us are pretty excited.

"Ahh, I see. So you two are gonna have some alone time, eh?" Bel teases.

"I guess that's what Ahren wants, and I gotta keep him happy."

"Well, you guys have fun. I gotta go get changed and ready for work." Bel starts towards her room.

"Wait, lemme get you a coffee, it'll wake you up." Joel pours a cup of black coffee and sets it down in front of Bel, now sitting back down.

"Well, I can't turn down coffee." Bel motions for the sugar. "Can you pass me the sugar and creamer, please?"

"Yeah." Joel slides her the sugar and creamer with a smile.

It seemed nobody ever stopped smiling now. Ahren always smiles, Joel especially always smiles, and Bel smiles nonstop. But nobody complained, because happiness is what keeps them alive, and they couldn't live without each other.

Bel mixed her sugar and creamer into her coffee and tooo a long sip, refreshing her.

"Feel better?" Joel asked with a smirk.

"Yes. Thank you." Bel takes another sip and smells the light brown liquid.

"You're welcome. It's not like I wasn't already up anyway. I got up before you waiting for Ahren." Joel pours himself a cup, leaving it black.

"You boys are such a cute couple, I swear." Bel giggles.

"Nah, we just love each other a lot." Joel brushes the compliment off.

"I can see that. And that's what makes you guys so perfect; that you guys have been married for a little over 5 years and you still love each other with a burning passion."

"I guess you're right. But nobody's perfect, Bel. And especially not Ahren and I." Joel shakes his head and laughs lightly.

"I see where you're coming from. You've both got some sort of rocky past, so you both think you're not perfect. But you guys are still so amazing. Anyway, I've gotta go, thank you for the coffee." Bel stands up, sets her empty coffee cup in the sink and grabs her keys.

"Okay then. Have a nice day, Bel."

"You too." Bel winks and walks out of the house.

Joel finishes his cup of coffee and heads to the living room to edit his photos.

He tries many different filters. Black and white filters, rainbow filters, any type of filter that you could think of. But of course Joel stuck with the black and white theme, since that's the style photos he liked to take.

Ahren snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around Joel's neck. "Good morning, baby." Ahren cooed.

"Good morning to you too." Joel kisses Ahren's jawline.

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