Chapter 13

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-6 years later, Brisbane-

Ahren stirs in the warm bed he shares with his husband as the bright sun rays hit his eyes. He looks up and sees Joel writing in his songbook peacefully, as he always does.

"Good morning, Ahren." Joel smiles sweetly.

"Good morning."

"How was your sleep?"

"Wasn't so bad, yourself?" Ahren responds.

"Can't complain." Joel shuts his notebook. "So, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

"Okay? Is something wrong?" Ahren asks, on the bridge of worrying.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just feel like.. I dunno, I feel like our place is kind of empty.."

"What are you getting at, baby?"

"Well, I mean, it's something I've always wanted, and what better way than to do it with you? Basically what I'm getting at is that I think I want a child." Joel winces slightly, not knowing what Ahren's reaction might be.

"Joel, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I think you and I would make great parents, don't you think?" Joel grins.

"Mhm, but there's one problem, Joely." Ahren half smiles, "We're gay."

"That's alright. We can get a surrogate."

"I'm down for that." Ahren laughs.

"But, um, one more thing.."


"I want the baby to be mine... I want it to be my physical child. I want to make it." Joel says lowly.

"Okay... We can do that, we'll just have to find someone for you to impregnate." Ahren was a little heartbroken at the thought of Joel having sex with someone other than himself, but he knew Joel would be happy with it. The truth is, Joel had been struggling with drugs again and Ahren didn't know how to help him.

"Thank you so much. I've already got someone planned, in case you said yes."

Ahren raises his eyebrow. "You already had someone in mind?"

"Well, yeah. She was up for it." Joel smiles. "And don't worry, it's not like I'm gonna enjoy it. Did you forget that I'm gay?"

"That's right. I guess that'll be okay then, baby, if you're happy." Ahren reaches up to Joel and cups his cheek, soon taking the opportunity to kiss him.

"Do you want to meet her?" Joel whispers against Ahren's warm lips.

"Well of course I do."

"Great. I can bring you guys to dinner tonight and we'll answer all your questions."

"Since when did you become more organized?" Ahren's eyes widen.

"Uhm, I'm gonna be a father?" Joel laughs.

"True." Ahren giggles, lightening up at the situation.


"Ready to go?" Joel says as he looks in the mirror, pulling his blazer over his shoulders.


"You look so cute in a blazer, I must be honest." Ahren snakes his arms around Joel's middle.

"Thank you, I clean up once in a great while." Joel smiles, running his fingers through his slicked back brown hair.

"Okay, let's go. I can't wait to meet her." Ahren pulls Joel out the door and they both get in the car and drive off to the restaurant. Joel puts on Ahren's favorite band, AC/DC. Ahren immediately smiles, realizing that Joel had put on his favourite song.

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