Chapter 15

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Ahren wakes up and reaches over to kiss Joel, but he isn't there.

"Shit." He mumbles, forgetting that Joel had to do a photo shoot and that he had to help Bel set up her room.

Ahren steps out of his bed, throws on a hoodie and jeans, and walks to Bel's room. He knocks on her door softly, trying to be friendly to her.

She steps back, afraid of what he might do. "Hi?"

"Hi," Ahren flashes a small smile. "Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I was drunk and I didn't mean to come at you like that."

Ahren could tell her nerves settled a bit. "It's fine." She smiles back.

"Joel told me you were trying to set up your room today, and I was wondering if I could help you with anything?" Ahren rests himself on the door post.

"Yes, sure." She steps away from the door, inviting Ahren in. "Now, you could unpack this box over here, and just set those things in that box on that shelf."

Ahren hated doing bunches of hard work, but Bel was being nice to him, and he wanted Joel to be happy, so he helped anyway. "Ok then." Ahren smiles and rips the tape off the box.

"Why did Joel ask you to help me?" She asks as she sets mini trinkets on the drawer beside her bed.

"Well, he kinda felt like I was bein' an asshole so he wanted me to make up for it by helping you out and getting to know you better." Ahren explains, relaxing his own nerves.

"Oh," She says quietly, "Do you have any problems with me?" Her tone drops, almost feeling sad and worthless.

"No, I'm just jealous that Joel had been spending so much time with you. I'm sure you're a very nice person, Bel. I really do. And please forgive me for being so rude to you, that was totally uncalled for." Ahren feels his heart sink, feeling so disappointed that he hurt someone while being selfish.

"It's okay, Ahren. I forgive you." Bel doesn't look up from her organizing. "I totally get it."

"You do?" Ahren says, shocked.

"Yeah, of course I get it." She puts her jewelry box on a shelf. "I've been jealous before. I think everyone does at some point."

Ahren empties the rest of the box. "I finished this one."

"Ok, great." Bel smiles and hands him another box, filled with clothes. "If you could just organize these into drawers, that'd be amazing."

Ahren nervously laughs, "Yep, I'll get it for ya." He opens the box, his eyes widen, as he's never touched girl's clothing, not even in high school with Casey.

"Something wrong?" Bel asks.

"No, I-I uhm, I've just never touched.. Y'know.. Women's clothing?" Ahren stutters.

"Oh, sorry." Bel giggles. "Here, take this box and arrange my shoes, please."

"Heh," Ahren smiles and returns the box to Bel. "Thanks."

"So you've never seen anything on a girl before?" Bel asks, hiding her smile from Ahren.

"W-well, once, but I didn't really enjoy it." Ahren admits shamefully.

"Wow. That's surprising. Have you ever seen Joel like that before?"

Ahren raises his eyebrows, not seeing that question coming. "Well I mean.. Yeah, I'm kinda married to him."

"Oh." She sounds embarrassed to have asked. "I didn't realize, sorry."

"So, wait, you don't know what girls look like.. under clothes?" Bel asks.

All Fucked Up//Jahren ffWhere stories live. Discover now