Chapter 23

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*5 months later*

"Good morning, Bel." Ahren says as he walks past her, sitting on the living room couch, her hand on her now huge stomach.

"Morning." She says, her stomach cramping.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, you go ahead with your day." Bel assures Ahren that she's okay, even though she doesn't look it.

"Okay, Bel, just let me know what you need." Ahren smiles.

"I will."

"Joel's gone out for the day, got some photography class or something, so it's just you and I." Ahren tells her.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook you something?" Bel asks.

"No, just relax. It's good for you and the baby."

"Okay." She nods.

"I'm gonna go get a shower, I'll be right back, okay?" Ahren says, still making sure Bel is comfortable.

Bel nods and smiles as Ahren goes to get a shower.

After he finishes cleaning himself, he changes into his clothes to start the day.

"AHREN!" Bel screams.

Ahren immediately shoots up and runs down the stairs to see what Bel was screaming out.

"What? What happened?"

"I think the baby's coming. Now."

"Bel are you serious?" Ahren's complexion turns pale white, not wanting it to be true, because he had no experience with babies at all.

Bel nods.

"Well... We need to get you to the hospital cos I have no idea how to deal with this. Let's go." Ahren says hurriedly and takes Bel's arm.

Bel slowly gets up and Ahren takes her to the car, wincing in pain. She groans with the feeling that her belly is going to fall out of her.

"Ahhren, I don't know if I c-can make it." Bel continues holding her stomach and breathes heavily.

"It's okay, Bel, breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Steady your breathing, sweetheart, it's good for you." Ahren tries his best to calm her down by saying words he'd heard in many medical television shows. "We're almost there, Bel, you're doing great."

Bel follows Ahren's commands of breathing steadily and carefully as the car pulls into the hospital parking lot.

She waddles out of the passenger seat with the help of Ahren and through the ER doors. Doctors and nurses crowd around her, carrying her on a gurney to the nursery.

Ahren stayed in the room with her as they waited for the nurse to help her give birth, and when that time came, he stepped out into the hallway to call Joel.

"Hi, Ahren I can't really talk right now I'm in the middle of a sessi-" Joel was cut off by Ahren yelling quietly into the phone.

"Joel you have to come now. Bel's having the baby."

"What? She can't be! I'm in the middle of a lesson!"

"Well she is!" Ahren says.

"I'll be there soon, just- just make sure she's okay." Joel hangs up the phone, making Ahren feel happier that Joel dropped his things to be there with Bel and him.

Ahren taps his feet as he awaits Joel's arrival. From outside the room where Bel was giving birth, he could hear her screaming and groaning. He cringed at the thought of having that pain for himself.

Ahren felt a light tap on his shoulder and looked to see Joel smiling down at him.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Ahren springs up and holds Joel in his arms.

"Me too. My lesson was nearly over anyway, I just cut it short." Joel smiles. "Sounds like Bel finally finished yelling."

"Yeah, we should go check." Ahren and Joel walk through the door and see a sweaty Bel, exhausted with a tiny, tiny baby lying at the bottom of her legs, crying.

"Which one of you is the father?" The nurse asks.

Neither Joel nor Ahren could even speak, such beauty had hit them right in the face.

"The tall one." Bel says, pointing to Joel.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The nurse hands Joel the scissors.

Joel just nods, still starstruck, and takes the scissors in his hand, clipping the cord that ran from Bel to the baby.

"Okay, I'm going to go clean him up, and I'll be right back to give him to you." The nurse takes the small baby boy in her hands and carries his fragile body to clean him.

"We did it." Joel smiles, a tear dripping from his eye.

"We did." Bel replies, also smiling.

The nurse knocks on the door and enters, holding a little baby in a light blue blanket with white stripes and hands him to Bel before handing Joel paperwork and leaving.

"Hi Boey." Bel says, brushing his short platinum blonde hair out of his tiny, not yet opened eyes. A small smile cracks from his lips as she ran her thumb on his soft, chubby cheek.

Joel filled out paperwork and took small glances at Bel and Boey.

"Do you wanna hold him, Joel?" Bel asks, carefully shifting Boey into Joel's arms.

Joel smiles down at his son, poking his baby cheeks softly.

"He already looks like you." Ahren whispers to Joel.

Bel grins at the two boys adoring her minutes-old son, smiling and talking to him. Boey reaches out and grabs Joel's finger.

"No no, you gotta let go little guy. Daddy's gotta finish poking your cute little cheeks." He says softly to Boey, who was still grasping Joel's finger, quite strong for a baby.

"I can't believe it's been nine months already, it's crazy that he's already born. And he's soo adorable." Ahren says.

"I know, this is so great!" Joel grins. "I've got my own son. I'm so excited to teach him things and watch him grow up."

"Oh God, Joel, don't talk about him growing up so fast, he's barely 10 minutes old. Next thing you know we'll all be waving him off to Uni and he'll be getting married." Bel says, rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me," the young nurse appears back in the room, keeping half of her body hidden behind the door. "I hate to interrupt you guys, but I just needed to tell you that Bel and the baby would have to stay overnight. Just to make sure everything's fine with the baby."

Bel's heart began beating fast. "Is there something wrong with him?"

"No, not at all. We usually do this with newborns and their mothers just to make sure nothing's wrong and there's no complications."

"Oh," Bel calms down more, "That's alright then. As long as nothing's wrong with my baby."

The rest of the time Joel and Ahren stayed with Bel to make sure that she was happy and comfortable, then left hours later when Boey fell asleep. Joel meticulously placed Boey on Bel's bare chest as he slept. Ahren thought it was the cutest thing ever seeing Boey sleep and being cuddled up close to his caring mother.

Sadly, they departed for the night, happy that the baby finally came and that he was healthy.

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