Chapter 9

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(Baby Ahren in the first pic aw omg I'm not crying you are. Also, another side note, I was listening to a random radio station then feels like I'm dying came on and I jumped up and screamed)

(Also, strong fluff and slight homophobic slurs warning)

The morning's crisp air blows through the open windows of Ahren's home in the cool fall morning. Joel woke up early to do something he loved with Ahren that day. He wanted to express his love for Ahren, through a nice, simple date.

He ordered Ahren's favorite food for their date, KFC, he knew that because Ahren had mentioned loving KFC a while back. Not a typical romantic date, but Ahren and Joel weren't really the couple to go out and do anything fancy.

He also bought a tiny CD player so they could enjoy their favorite bands while in each other's presence.

Joel wanted to make sure that Ahren loved this date because it would be a good relief from their first tour coming up in a week. He planned to propose to Ahren tonight at the beach near the ocean, since Ahren was the love of his life, the one who made him feel alive, and Joel loved the ocean.

Joel left a note on the counter of their kitchen when he left to go get some things for their date.

I've gone out to go get some things, if you wake up and I'm not here, don't worry. I'm at the store. Love you, Joel xx.

(Joel's POV) I get in my car and head down to the ring store to get him a ring, one that really said, "Ahren."

Ahren isn't fussy over fancy things. And after all, I'm way gayer than Ahren. I pick out a silver ring, one with a simple diamond encrusted in the top. I had the ring designers carve the letters JB+AS on the inside. I order the same one for me and I wait for the rings to be done.

My phone rings in my pocket.

One new message from Ahren: Good afternoon love! Got your note, can't wait to see your face x

And this is why I want to marry this kid. He's amazing, he can make my whole day happier with one simple text.

Hi, baby. How'd you sleep?

Well. Yourself?

Likewise. How are things at the house, good?

Yup, but I miss you like crazy x

I miss you too, hon. I gotta go, see you soon bb xxx

The cashier lady hands me the two rings, one in a little black velvet box. I pay for the rings with money I'd saved up from work at the guitar store, Uber, and money from the people who had bought CDs.

Next, I head to the liquor store and buy a bottle of champagne. Maybe a stretch for us, but I figured why not? It's been a while since I've gone in there and picked up a real drink. The temptation seemed to wash away and I felt happy to walk out without a toxic bottle in my hand.

I stuff it all in my trunk and walk in the house when I arrive. I burst through the door and see Ahren asleep on the couch with the Orioles game switched on the TV.

"Sleep tight, darling." I thought. "Tonight's gonna be amazing."

I decide to sit down and practice what I'll say by writing it.

Ahren stirs after a few minutes of me being home. "Hi, baby. What're you writing?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, just a song." I slam my notebook shut. "Listen, I got a surprise for you tonight."

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