Chapter 17

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Joel and Ahren jump from their seats, rushing to the closed bathroom door and pounding on it.

"What's wrong?" Joel yells.

The door opens slowly, revealing Bel with tears trailing down her cheeks and holding a positive pregnancy test.

"Bel.." Joel's words are paused in shock.

She fell into Joel's arms and cried, excited to be a mother.

The room was instantly filled with smiles as they all realized they were parents, Ahren feeling a little disappointed that it wasn't his, but happy to share the opportunity.

"I'm so happy." Bel sobbed into Joel's shirt.

"Me too." Joel smiles.

Bel pulls away from Joel, wiping her tears on her uniform from work she hadn't changed yet.

"I'm gonna go change then I'll start dinner." Bel sniffles.

"You don't have to, Bel, just relax tonight." Joel stops her.

"No, please, I want to. I'll have plenty of relaxing when I'm more heavily pregnant." She insists.

"Okay, y'know what, that's fine." Joel rubs her shoulder as she walks away.

"You're gonna be a dad!" Ahren hugs Joel.

"I know, you too!" Joel smiles into his shoulder.

"Are you excited?" Ahren asks.

"Fuck yes I am! Are you?"

"Yeah, of course. I think it'll be so much fun being dads together." Ahren smiles, finally getting the happiness. He loves his little family, even if it has one more person than normal.

He was looking forward to their lives together, and loving every moment of thinking about what fun experiences they'd all have as a close family.

Joel finally let his tears fall, the happiness overwhelming him. He wanted to make sure his son or daughter was happy and healthy and protected at all costs. Joel felt comforted knowing that his little family would never be broken apart, no matter what.

Ahren soon began crying, overwhelmed by happiness too. He never thought his life would get this great. He has an amazing husband, a great mother of 'his' child, and a child on the way.

"Are you okay, baby?" Joel asks.

"Better than okay. I'm so great." Ahren smiles.

"That's good. I can't even explain my happiness." Joel gushes.

"I wonder what the baby would look like.."

"I know, me too." Joel smiles, thinking of what his child would look like. "Beautiful, I'm sure."

Ahren smirks. "Well, I mean, of course it'll be beautiful, you're the father."

"You're so cheeky, y'know that?" Joel pulls Ahren back into a fast embrace as Bel walks out of her room to the kitchen. Joel and Ahren follow her, making sure they're there for everything she might need.

Bel had dried tears on her face as she took out the ingredients for the meal she would make for all three of them, now four of them.

Joel clears his throat. "Are you sure you don't want me to make dinner, Bel? It's really not a problem."

"I'm sure." She smiles, a new tear falling down her reddened face. "I want to make you two happy."

"C'mon, you've made me the happiest by giving us a child. Making dinner is never gonna top that." Joel says, feeling bad that Bel still wanted to work after having dealt with children all day.

"Well, it's fine, trust me. I don't mind it, and you shouldn't either." Bel says as she starts cooking the noodles.

"Y'know, once you start getting morning sickness you won't be able to work much." Ahren points out.

Bel rolls her eyes. "I'm not looking forward to that. I don't like people seeing me weak."

Joel smiles and turns to Ahren. "She always says that." He whispers.

"All good, Bel?" Joel asks.

"All good. You boys can go now, I'll call you when dinner is ready." Bel smiles warmly as she shoos Joel and Ahren off.


"Ahren, Joel!" Bel yells, "Time for dinner!"

They stand up from their spot and sit themselves down at the dinner table, filling their plates with the lasagna Bel made.

"Wow," Ahren says mid-mouthful, "this is amazing."

"Thank you." Bel says, taking a nice bite of her lasagna, very lady-like compared to the two boys stuffing their mouths in front of her.

Joel would've said thank you and told her that it was so good, but he was too busy scarfing his food down.

Breaking the awkward silence, Bel speaks up. "How do you like it, Joel?"

Joel clears his mouth and finally speaks. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Bel, this is the best lasagna I've ever had."

Bel giggles, blushing from the compliment. "Well, thank you."

Joel puts up a thumb as he starts his second plate.


After dinner, they were all full and slumped around on the couch, except for Bel, who continued to work in the kitchen, despite Joel and Ahren's pleads for her to take a break.

Ahren decided to call his parents and tell them what had happened, how they were expecting a child. His parents were so excited, which made Ahren more excited, too.

Bel finally finished her work in the kitchen, washing dishes and cleaning countertops then crashed on the couch and fell asleep very quickly.

Her hand never left her stomach, comforting her tiny baby growing inside of her. A great pleasure, she thought of it. To experience motherhood was such an amazing thing to her. Everytime she thought of her baby running around, she smiled. The joy always got the best of her.

The men she lives with couldn't make her happier either. Supporting her, trying to make her feel like she belongs, making her relax constantly. They are so amazing to her, always offering a smile. This won't change once the baby comes, and if so, it'll change for the better.

Joel leans over to Ahren. "I'm gonna go carry Bel to her room, I'll be right to bed. Go get yourself settled in."

Ahren nods and steps off to their room.

Joel picks Bel up, carrying her to her bed, and lying her down softly. He covers her with her warm lavender duvet and caresses her cheek.

"Goodnight, Bel. Goodnight, my sweet baby." He kisses her stomach.

Bel stirs lightly and smiles, unseen by Joel as he walked away and back into his room.


(A/N: hi guys, I just wanted to say that my updates may be a little slower than normal, since I'm working on a new Jahren fanfic, which I'm really excited about. I'll still write a bunch more chapters here, that's just a heads up. Thank you so much for reading!!)

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