Chapter 8

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*Smut warning for this chapter!!*

After all the drunken people are dragged off my lawn, I pull out my recycling bin and throw all the empty bottles inside. I start hauling the bin up to my tree lawn to be taken by the garbage truck when I hear a soft voice call my name. "Ahren?"

"Yeah?" I turn around, not noticing who's voice it was until I saw his broken face. "What do you want, Joel? You done throwing a fit?"

"I'm sorry about flipping out on you earlier. I was just depressed." He takes a swig of his beer.

Me, being stubborn as ever and the alcohol doesn't help me, I just said, "Ok."

"Come on, Ahren. Please forgive me." He stumbles over to the tree lawn next to me.


"Don't be like that, please. I'm being nice to you now!" Joel whines.

"You're drunk and I'm drunk, Joel. We can talk tomorrow." I make my way back to the backyard and throw away all the cups an plates.

"Okay, fine. Lemme help you clean up this mess." Joel says and starts stacking all the chairs. I take the garbage to the front lawn and rip tablecloths off tables and rip banners off walls while Joel folds the tables and packs them in the garage. We both head back in the house after cleaning up the party.

Joel crawls into the bed while I change into sweatpants and follow soon after. I don't sleep on the same side as Joel simply because I feel like being a douchebag right now.

"Goodnight, Ahren." Joel whispers.


A few minutes of silence creeps between us.


"What? I'm trying to sleep!"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Joel. Let me sleep, please."

"Okay. Sleep well." He whispers loudly.

"I would if you would shut the hell up.." I mumble.

When I start drifting off, I hear Joel call my name one last time. "Ahren? Wake up. I need to tell you something."

"Joel, for fuck's sake, what do you need?"

"Can I hold you?" He asks softly.


"I'm having anxiety, and it'd just make me feel safe."

"Ugh, fine."

Joel moves over and wraps his arms around my sides. I can feel him shaking on me, so I set my hand on top of his to calm him down. Within a few minutes, Joel falls asleep and starts snoring lightly. I follow soon after.


I wake up in the late morning and see Joel writing away in his notebook. When he eventually looks up from his precious song book, he smiles a big smile at me. "Good morning, crabass."

"Good morning to you too, Joel."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good. You?"

"Very well, actually. You in a better mood today, String?"

I laugh. "Yeah, asshole. Sounds weird, hearing you call me String."

"I'm not the asshole, you are. You were so pissed at me last night." Joel smiles.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't even angry until you started bothering me in bed."

All Fucked Up//Jahren ffWhere stories live. Discover now