Chapter 4 (Trashed)

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Gonna publish the drafts too so you guys can see ideas that were trashed or forgotten about! Kind of like blooper chapters!!

Yami was walking up the podium for the final battle of the tournament, it was against a man with black hair and a scar down his face.

"Yugi! You made it this far, but now it's my turn to crush your dreams!!"

"Good luck with that." Yami said in a distasteful tone, ever since the last battle where Crystal was almost beaten, he's been very scared of what could happen to her and he could feel she felt the same.

"Its time to duel!" They said simultaneously, and the duel began. Yami kept in mind to keep protection trap and spell cards in his hand so when he needed Crystal she would be highly guarded.

"You're holding back Yugi. Have you lost your touch?"

"No. I'm simply dispatching my master plan." Yami smirked and the duel continued. He got Jaksu down to 750 LP but he was at 550 LP, and he could feel his stress build up, "and now. I will win this battle."

"Oh?" Jaksu seemed to get interested instantly, and leaned over his board awaiting Yugi's monster. Yugi pulled a card, and there she was, so he grinned widely.

"I place down my Mystery card in Attack mode, and I also place down 4 cards face down." Yami watched as Crystal fazed into existence, and was more than ready to fight, despite their last duel.

"The Millennium Ring?!"

"This thing?" Crystal lifed her arm to show the ring, "Yeah. I have it."

"You... You're the Pharaoh's daughter!" Crystal huffed and crossed her arms.


"I'll take this Pharaoh's throne though!" Crystal rolled her eyes and floated up to him.

"Everybody knows that it is good to be the king, just cuz you have a sexy scar upon your face you think you have the right to command the Egyptian race." Crystal sat on the edge of the duel board looking out over the battle field, "To stand against the pharaoh is a fight you're bound to lose."


"Stop moaning, stop groaning Only a fool picks a fight with the pharaoh. So what do you want? Throw me a bone," Crystal looked back at Yami, "Cause you're not gonna take my Pharaoh's throne." And suddenly a hand was wrapped around her neck.

"Your father slaughtered my mother. So now I'm bringing disaster."

"I was more intimidated by round 4 monsters. Like I said, who in the hell picks a fight with the pharaoh?" Jaksu's previously untouched monsters all lost their attack points and died as she returned to her place, "You can flip all the cards in your trap card zone, but you'll never take Yugi."

Yami looked down at Crystal with a new found confidence.

"Now... we fight." Crystal pointed at the duelist who was getting more angry by the moment.

Mystery Card (Yami Muto X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu