Chapter 18

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Despite yesterday, Crystal still had the same nightmare, but this time Yugi and Yami were tangled up in the darkness. She cried out for them to be saved, that she would sacrifice every ounce of her soul to get them out of the dark ocean, but before anything could be done she woke up, covered in sweat.

"Good grief..." Crystal wiped her forehead off and stood up, "I mustn't let these dreams get the better of me.." Crystal lifted her head up, and walked into the kitchen where she began to cook. Before long Yugi came walking in and sat down at the table as she finished up cooking.

"Good morning Crystal, how was your sleep?"

"Ah... the usual." Crystal grabbed his plate and his grandpa's as he too joined them at the table. She placed down the plates of food and sat down, when Yugi spoke up.

"Um... Crystal..."


"I don't want to be pushy, but you forgot Yami's french toast." Crystal's eyes widened to the size of golf balls and she jumped up.

"Crap! Tell him I'm sorry!" She ran back to the stove and quickly started to cook the toast but she accidentally put the stove on too high, that's when an arm reached past her. His hand turned the knob to the right temperature.

"You don't have to cook it," Yami spoke softly, he had taken over Yugi's body to confront her himself.

"Ah... Well we're going on a tournament today, you won't be getting french toast for the entire time." Crystal tried to reason.

"Crystal I want to speak with you in private after we eat." Yami went and sat back down, letting Yugi take over so he could eat.

So we can talk in private? What could he want...

Crystal finished his french toast before long, and placed it on the table just in time as Yugi finished his last biscuit.

"Mmm!" Yami took over Yugi's body at the smell of the french toast, "smells delicious!"

"Thanks.." Crystal smiled softly, and sighed as she looked into her glass of water, looking at her reflection. Yami hurried up and finished eating, "I'll clean the dishes." Crystal picked up grandpa's as he left to go downstairs and picked up Yugi's.

"Crystal..." Yami muttered as she started to wash the dishes, "Tell me... I know there's something bothering you, and I don't know why you're not telling me, but I want to help."


"I don't want you to fight anything alone, I'm always here for you." Yami wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

"Yami I've..."

"Go ahead.." Crystal's body began to tremble as her eyes started to water.

"I've been having nightmares lately..."

"What kind of nightmares?"

"I'm in a world of darkness... and below me... there's a sea of dark water. Out of this dark water... a large hand of black goo grabs me... and pulls me down into this dark ocean. Every time I try to fight it to escape, the more my body gets physically exhausted in the real world..."

"Ah... that explains why you've been very dull lately.."

"But you see... yesterday... my nightmare changed..."


"When my hand was the only thing sticking out of the dark ocean, someone grabbed it... then someone else grabbed my wrist, they started to pull..."

"Who were they?"

"You and Yugi... you were pulling me the best you could... but you weren't alone either... Joey, Tristan, Tea, Kaiba and Mokuba were all there... you were all pulling me out of the darkness I feared..."

"Ah. I guess you didn't have another nightmare?"

"No... I got another one... but it was worse..."


"The darkness kept you away from me... it hurt you guys and it started to drag you down with me..."

"Crystal..." Yami squeezed her tightly, he could feel her pain seething from her body, "I can't believe you never told me..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I want you to tell me immediately if anything bad ever happens to you, okay?"


"No buts. I care about you and I want you to be safe. Happy."

"I'm happiest here." Crystal said, thankful for Yami being behind her as she smiled and her face turned red.

"Let's go shall we?"


"You'll do fine." Yami held out his hand to his troubled friend, and she gladly placed hers on his. Her hand was fragile, small, compared to his strong, bigger hand, and he pulled her downstairs to begin their adventure.

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