Chapter 28

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Crystal awoke and got ready for school, as Yugi did the same. She hadn't said a word to him or Yami about Duke, and she feared that if she spoke, that she would spill it.

"So Crystal, are you ready to go?" Crystal looked at Yugi, as Yami stood next to him smiling at her, and yet all she could do was nod in approval, "You okay?" Crystal nodded again but out on a big bright smile, "Let's go then." They walked on to school, when they were crossing the road, someone was about to run the red light.

"Yugi!" Crystal yanked him back from the road, making him fall back onto her, making both end up on the road.

"W-Whoa." Yugi said in shock, watching the vehicle continue to speed down the road.

"You okay?" Crystal sat up with him, ignoring that she just scuffed up her entire back.

"Yes... are you? You took the full blunt of the fall..."

"I'm good." Crystal got up, and held back a wince as her back stung.

"Alright let's go on." Yugi let Crystal lead this time and they soon got to school safely, that's when Joey ran up to them.

"Hey guys!" Joey ran up beside Crystal and slapped her back, making her almost cry out in pain, "Whoa, you okay?"

"Gotcha!" Crystal laughed it off, but she could feel her back start to bleed a little, "When we get in I need to go use the ladies."

"Ah okay!" Yugi smiled, he had worried something was wrong but because she laughed he knew it was a joke. When they got to class, Crystal asked the teacher if she could go to the restroom, and when she was in there, she took off her blazer. That's when an unwanted guest walked in; Duke.

"Oh what happened?" He questioned.

"What are you doing in here?! This is the ladies!" Crystal whipped around, trying to hide her back.

"Hey, calm down, clearly you're seriously hurt, the whole back of your shirt is stained with blood."

"Is it really that bad...?" Crystal asked in a weary tone.

"Yes it is. Let me take you to the nurse." Duke offered, he seemed a lot nicer to Crystal now, making her wonder if it was all an act.

"I can walk myself." Crystal put back on her jacket, wincing in pain as her shoulder blades moved, "I'll see ya around." Crystal walked out and headed for the nurse's office, when she walked in the lady with long violet hair looked up at her.

"Oh! Its you again!"

"Yeah... I've got another injury..."

"Oh no what happened?" The nurse approached her as she explained what she did for Yugi, "That was very brave of you, does he know you're in the nurse's office because of this?"

"No, neither does my teacher, but could you call him and tell him not to tell Yugi why I'm in here?"

"Sure." The nurse smiled and walked over, she dialed the teachers number, "Hello? Mr. Calais?"


"I have a student of yours, her name is Shigorati Crystal, she ended up getting sick so she'll be missing most of your class."

"Oh no! I hope she feels better soon! Tell her that when she feels better she has to stop by my class."

"Alright. Thank you, goodbye." The nurse saw Crystal sit down on the medical bed, and take off her jacket, "Alright, show me how bad it is." Crystal nodded, turning her body slightly so the nurse could see the blood, "Oh dear..."

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