Chapter 4

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Yugi walked into the Clinic as the bell rung and looked at the curtain that hid Crystal's bed.

"Yami, here you can see her." Yugi switched their souls and Yami looked at the curtain in fear. He slowly walked towards it and opened the curtain, there she was, awake, alive.


"Yami..." she smiled at him, "How's your day been so far?" She tilted her head, it was as if everything that happened disappeared from her memory.

"Oh... It was uneventful I suppose."

"Ah. That sounds pretty boring. Did you bring my card? I must return to my home."

"Crystal... how do we free you?"

"Ah. I'm not sure yet." Crystal smiled as Yami pulled her card out of his pocket and laid it on the bed, "Hopefully we find you an equally as strong card before I'm released."

"I would be fine without it."

"I wouldn't feel safe with you being in danger." Crystal fazed into the card and Yami smiled softly as the picture returned to normal along with the writing.

-Time skip to the next day-

Yami asked Yugi if he could have a day in the city, and Yugi kindly allowed him. Knowing there was a lot on his mind, he had no complaints and Yami was grateful for that.

"Look mom!" A young boy cried out, "Its Yugi Muto!" He pointed at Yami, who smiled kindly at the child and walked over to him.

"Hello there..." Yami smiled, and the kid started to get excited.

"Can I take a picture with you and him? He's been your biggest fan for a while now."

"Ah. Yes." Yami bent down next to the child as the mother took a picture, and they went on their way. Yami continued on his day as well, his mind is flooded with thoughts about Crystal, why would she be scared and why would she cry for him. Then he got an idea, "I'll just summon her." He pulled out his deck and ran into an alley, where he placed Crystal's card down. She soon emerged from the card, and something about her seemed off to him.

"Yugi... Good morning."

"Good morning, Crystal."

"Is there something you need me for?"

"I want someone to accompany me on my trip around this city."

"Oh... I'll release myself from the card for the day then." Crystal's ring started to glow before the card was placed in her hand, "Now you hold it." Yami took it with a small smile.

"Thank you."

"No problem." They started to walk through the city before stopping at a café, "So, what did you really want?"


"Yami, I'm not a stranger to confused faces."

"Oh... I was wondering... why were you crying?"

"Oh." Crystal resituated herself, "My Millennium spirit was angry at me, trying to tear my soul out."

"Oh? Why did it do that?"

"I fought purely for myself.. not by your order."

"Oh... and that breaks the laws?"

"Yeah..." Crystal shrugged softly, "You won the duel, I don't care about the consequences." Yami looked at the girl who seemed almost proud to say that, confused as to why she would dedicate herself to him, "Yami. it's very simple. I pledged my card to your deck, and if I lost, I would be actually lost in the graveyard."

"So you mean if you lose a fight in a duel, as in, you go to the graveyard, you die?"

"Yes. Yes, I do."

"That means I have to be careful too."

"Yes, but I can handle most of it."

"Ah. Why don't we go places?"

"Sure." Yami and Crystal walked through the city before coming across an arcade. (This is where it gets bad.)

Crystal walked around with Yami trailing her before she found what she was looking for, a photo booth.

"Can we get pictures?"

"Hm?" He looked at the booth, before his head tilted, "What does it do?"

"Well lemme show you." Crystal put 4 quarters into the machine and stepped inside. It took 4 pictures and printed them out in front of Yami.

"It traps your soul??"

"No. It's just a picture." Crystal dragged Yami in, who looked at the camera real closely, and then the flash went off, making him fall back against the back of the booth when another picture was taken.

"Now it's attacking me!" Yami pulled out a card to try to duel the camera before it took its last picture.

"Yami...." Crystal said in a sigh, realizing Yami was so confused, "Doesn't Yugi tell you these things?"

"He's currently out of service." Yami straightened himself out before walking out of the booth, only to see the pictures in the tray, "Sorry, I guess I ruined them."

She probably wanted that to be special to her. And you ruined it.

Well, I didn't know if it was dangerous or not!

"Oh well." Crystal took the pictures and smiled, "Let's go get a locket for these."

"Oh?" Yami followed Crystal who was leading him to a jewelry store, cheap, but it had what she wanted, "I thought I ruined them."

"Well, altogether yes you kind of did." Crystal shrugged, "Can I borrow a pair of Scissors?" The lady handed her a pair of scissors happily and she started to cut out the faces of the pictures before placing them inside the locket, "But... Here, it's something you can use to remember this day if you ever need to." Crystal clasped it around his neck.

"Thank you."

They had babies and now the story is over. Bye
Jk lol I'm just tired.

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