Chapter 5

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In a garden, surrounded by tall walls of sandstone, a woman stood with a man, the man having strangely starfished hair but both were shadowed completely, practically just dark figures, sharing the view.

Yugi was shuffling through his cards while Tristen and Joey were arguing.

"So Yugi." Tea started, "Do you think that Yami has a connection with Crystal?"

"I do." Yugi smiled, "He was in a really good mood last night when he got home."

"What's that?" Tea pointed to the locket around his neck, and Yugi looked down at it.

"Oh. Yami said to keep it on, it's from her."

"Oh!" Tea smiled, "Aw that's so sweet of him to think about that!" 

"Wait. So girls like that kind of thing?" Tristen said, holding Joey in a headlock, "I guess I can go use that on your sister then, right Joey?" He grinned.

"Keep your filthy hands off mah sister!" The teacher walked into the classroom and began to teach. Yami appeared on Yugi's desk, watching on with a smile because it was about Ancient Egypt, but then the teacher started to talk about Lower Egypt's Pharaoh.

"Rumor had it, that the Pharaoh's daughter fell in love with Upper Egypt's Pharaoh." The teacher said with a smile, "But that was forbidden by the Lower Egypt's royal family. So they ended up killing her for the betrayal of her own blood.  But it was said that one of upper Egypt's Magicians was able to save her soul and seal it away." The teacher grinned happily, her face dusted with pink at the sweet story, "Upper Egypt's Pharaoh had made that order for her specifically. It was said he never felt the same after."

Could that have been Yami?

Yami walked over to the board, unseen by everyone else and looked closely at the replicated drawing of scripture. He read every word, memorized it for the next time he sees Crystal, to ask her about it and find out the truth.

-Le time skip- 

"Yugi, do you think that was about her?"

"Well, she's the only daughter of a Pharaoh I've heard of." Yugi smiled at his friend, who in turn seemed to darken in expression.

"What kind of father would turn on his own daughter's emotions like that?"

"One that's not worthy of being one." Crystal's voice broke their conversation and cut the cords of thought in both Yami's and Yugi's minds.

"Crystal?" Yami asked quickly, "How are you out of the card?"

"My ring sensed a disturbance in the Puzzle so it released me." Crystal was shrouded in the shadows of the room, the only thing visible was her ring which was glowing softly.

"Tell us, Crystal." Yugi spoke softly, "Were you that Pharaoh's daughter?"

"Yes." Crystal said quickly with hurt lining her voice.

"Was the upper Pharaoh... me?" Crystal's eyes finally opened and looked over at Yami, he could see them perfectly. 

"Do you really want to know?" a red glow rose in her eyes as she stared at Yami, who in turn seemed to get really nervous and nod.

"I do."

"We'll have to save that for another time." Crystal disappeared and all the shadow disappeared, leaving Yami broken in thought.

"Let's just go to sleep, Yami..." Yugi suggested lightly and Yami nodded while swallowing hard.

-Le Time Skip-

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