Chapter 12

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Yugi woke up in the morning to the smell of breakfast and got dressed, Yami appeared next to him.

"How was your rest?"

"It was great." Yugi grinned before walking out of his room to see his Grandpa at the dining table, eating breakfast.

"Hey Yugi! Did you know that this girl is a great cook?" He said with his mouth full of eggs.

"No. But I think I'm gonna taste that too soon." Yugi sat across from his grandpa as Crystal finished his fried eggs and carried them over to Yugi, "Thank you, Crystal."

"The French Toast with grapes and a strawberry is actually for Yami, so save some room for his fill, okay?" Crystal winked at Yugi who smiled with his eyes closed.

"Of course!" Yugi began to eat and Crystal started to wash the dishes, "Where's your breakfast?"

"Ah. I had mine earlier." Crystal put the frying pan up on the drying rack, and sat down next to Yugi. After he finished his plate, Yami took over, "I guess you want a taste?"

"It would be rude to refuse." Yami lightly took a piece of the french toast, and suddenly his eyes opened widely at the taste, "This is... Delicious!"

"The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle loves French toast?" Grandpa said in a hysterical manner, with disbelief dripping from his voice, "How'd you know that Crystal?"

"Ah. I just pay attention to what they order at cafés." Crystal watched as Yami, like a gentleman, ate his food quickly but he didn't make a mess.

The Pharaoh in him is kicking in, he's very gentle with his food.

'Thank you, Crystal." Yami handed her the empty plate, "That was delicious."

"No problem Yami. Now let Yugi take over so he can do the rest of his chores."

"Rest of them?" Yugi asked as he got up from his chair, "What do you mean?"

"I've naturally done half of them."

"With a small payment of 5 duel monsters packs." Grandpa laughed jokingly.

"Ah. Thanks." Yugi left to go do his chores as Crystal helped maintain the store and get customers in. But at the end of the day Crystal had to open her packs with Yugi who also got 5 packs from his grandpa.

"Let's see what we got eh?" Crystal pulled out her first cards, "I've got Curse of Dragon, Masaki the Legendary Swordsman, Solemn Wishes, Nimble Momonga, Graverobber, Jam Defender, Fairy's Hand Mirror and Elegant Egotist." Yugi and Crystal kept opening cards, but Crystal was holding back with telling Yugi all her cards, because slowly, she got all pieces of Exodia in her hands.

"Those were some good packs! Now you got a newer deck than the last one!"

"Yeah..." Crystal looked at the cards she had fanned out, but she sighed putting them all in a stack and put them in her pocket, "Well, Goodnight Yugi, Goodnight, Yami."

"Goodnight." Yami and Yugi said in unison.

"Sleep well." Yami said happily as Crystal left and went to the couch where she was being allowed to sleep.

"She's really growing on me, Yami..."


"I really want her to stay my friend for... forever."

"Yeah, I know how that feels." Yami ruffled Yugi's hair, "Now get some sleep."

-The Next day-

It's been a week now, Yugi and Crystal was going to school, doing their chores, nothing too eventful happened. Yugi kind of enjoyed this, Dueling for a couple of weeks straight with no breaks was almost exhausting, and it gave him time to get to know her better.

"So, tell me..." Yugi started before removing his puzzle and put it in his closet, "I want to know. Did you fall in love with Yami?" Crystal almost choked on the soda she had been drinking when he asked that and started to cough to regain her voice.

"What kind of question is that Yugi?"

"I just want to know..." Yugi asked as he sat down in front of Crystal on the bed, "I see the way you look at him, you always have those eyes full of love and admiration."

"For a panda you're really smart." Crystal joked, she had officially started calling him Panda every now and then to tease him, "Yeah... I guess I did.."

"Ah! Why don't you tell him then?" Yugi said almost excitedly, "I bet he feels the same way."

"Yugi... don't be ridiculous..." Crystal's eyes grew dark, "Despite the fact I know that he would never see me that way, I will always hold a place for him in my heart."

"At least you can try!" Yugi shouted in protest, "Anyway! I doubt Yami would hurt your feelings, if anything he'd probably put you down lightly. If you want I can set you guys up a date!"

"What?! Are you insane! I'll make a complete fool out of myself!"

"Haha! You'll do just fine. I'll talk to Yami about it, and you can't talk me out of it."

"Fine..." Crystal's mind and heart were racing, how could she go on a date with the Pharaoh? That's insanity, isn't it?

-That night in Yugi's room-

"So Yugi, you wanted to speak with me?" Yami asked curiously, leaning on Yugi's bed, practically sitting on it.

"Well... You see... I was thinking that you and Crystal should go out for dinner tomorrow."

"What? Just me and her? What about Grandpa?" Yami asked curiously, not catching the same emotions Crystal was having outside the door.

"Yeah, just you and her. As long as Grandpa has his favorite dinner he'll let her leave the house." Yugi laughed, making Yami chuckle at the joke and sit fully on the bed.

"Was this Crystal's idea?"

"No. It's mine."

"Oh, But why?"

"Well, I thought you two would enjoy a night out, get some food and maybe go to the Arcade. I've been mostly the one in control, so you haven't had much time with her."

"True. I would enjoy that, thank you Yugi."

"I'll make sure to go inside the Millennium Puzzle so I can give you guys privacy."

"Privacy? Why would we-" 


"Wait Yugi-!" Yugi laid down and acted as if he drifted off to sleep.

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