Chapter 16

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Crystal and Yugi walked into the Game shop. Yugi was stretching to get the boredom from his body.

"I hate it when my teachers start talking and they don't stop for 95% of the day." Yugi groaned in exhaustion, and Crystal giggled at him.

"Aw come on. It's not that bad."

"It is! Unlike you I'm not that smart!"

"Yes you are," Crystal rubbed the top of his head like he was a child, "You're a smart Panda."

"I'm. Not. A. Panda!!" Yugi protested loudly, this made Crystal burst into all out laughter, and she started to cough from laughing so much.

"You- are- adorable!" She said through huffs of air, and Yugi's already reddened face turned more red, whenever Crystal teased him he always felt so embarrassed.

"Shut up..." He muttered and Crystal giggled as her laughing fit ended.

"Come on, I gotta get started on dinner." Crystal headed upstairs as Yami appeared out of the puzzle to talk to Yugi.

"She's very happy today."

"She is." Yugi smiled at Yami, "You must have put her in a good mood."

"I doubt it has anything to do with me." Yami's cheeks had a light tint of red on them, and this made Yugi snickwr.

"Whatever you say Yami." Yugi headed for the stairs to begin his homework upstairs, and when he walked in he could smell the wonder scents of food from the kitchen.

"She's a magician." His grandpa said to the phone, he was talking to Yugi's mother about the latest member of the household, and Yugi walked past him to watch Crystal closely as she cooked. Her movements were very sudtle and very gentle, her soft hands grabbing the hamburger.

"Get your homework done, Yugi." Crystal smiled as she started to cook the hamburger and started to dust it with spices.

"Alright." Yugi walked to the dining table and started his homework, having Yami in his ear to help him with some problems. When he came across a question he didn't understand, "Crystal?"


"What were temples?" Crystal suddenly dropped her spoon that she was stirring with and started to cough out the bite of food she was taste testing.

"U-Um-" Crystal coughed more before looking at Yugi, "A building where they worshipped gods."

"No, my teacher said it's not the buildings." Yugi looked at Crystal in confusion as her face started to turn red, "If you don't know the answer-"

"They were the Pharaoh's chosen servants..."


"They attended to the king nightly.." Crystal muttered in embarrassment.

"Alright." Yugi was oblivious to what made Crystal so uncomfortable, when suddenly the word nightly struck him like a train full of embarrassment, "Oh-! Oh god I'm sorry I asked!" Yugi started shaking his hands everywhere in panic.

"Um... it's fine." Crystal turned back to cooking, and not another word erupted from her lips, until she finished cooking, "Dinner time!" She called to Grandpa as she put the plates down.

"Coming!" Grandpa hurried up with walking into the kitchen and sat down quickly to start eating. Crystal and Yugi joined in soon after. Crystal sighed when she took her last bite and laid her head on the table.

"You okay?" Yugi asked in concern.

"Yeah..." Crystal's face showed differently though, she seemed almost drained of all energy.

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