Chapter 25

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Crystal waited for Yugi to fall asleep, when he did, she got up and walked over to his desk. She sat down and took off her ring.

"Millennium Ring, show me the upcoming danger.." The eye projected out an image of another eye, similar to the one on the Millennium Puzzle, "The door to the spirit world." The door began to crack and suddenly exploded open, "Oh no..." Crystal last saw a dark figure walk out of the blinding light, that's when she was knocked out.

"Crystal!" She awoke to someone shaking her, "Get up!"

"Just... 5 more minutes..." Crystal muttered to Yugi.

"I would let you but you're asleep on my desk, and I don't think that's very comfortable." Crystal lifted her head slowly, and looked at where her ring was, but was faced with staring at a blank table.

"Um... okay." Crystal didn't want to tell Yugi, to avoid worrying him.

"Sorry, grandpa made us bowls of cereal, since you slept in." Yugi smiled, "Come on." Yugi walked out in his pajamas as Crystal started frantically looking around the desk for her ring, she checked her hand she checked her bed, no where. She checked the floor, and had absolutely no luck not even there.

"Ugh..." Crystal walked out and sat down at the table, she slowly started eating when Grandpa was the first to ask.

"Where's your Millennium Ring?"

"Oh- Well I left it in our room, I hid it quite well since I don't technically need it on me."

"Ah. I see." Crystal was able to fake a smile, but Yami and Yugi didn't fall for it.

"Well don't you need it to see the Pharaoh?" What Yugi said was true... without her ring she couldn't see the Pharaoh.

"The only time I need to see him is when he's seen by all. I'm not gonna be selfish." Crystal took the last two bites of cereal, "I gotta go get dressed." She walked off to the bedroom and started looking intensely for her ring.

-in the kitchen-

"She's lost her ring." Grandpa said in a sigh.

"That's not good! She needs it to protect herself!"

"And you." Grandpa huffed, "Maybe she'll find it, but if not, she'll have to protect you as if she was an ordinary every day person."

"So she can't pull off something like defending Joey from the attack of a real monster?"

"No. She'll die."

"Couldn't I use the Millennium Puzzle to find her ring?"

"They were made separately, but you can try."


Tell the puzzle what to look for.

Alright. Millennium Puzzle, hear my call, I need to locate the Millennium Ring.

The Puzzle began to pulse, and one corner started to glow.

"I suppose I follow it."

"Bring Crystal."

"Alright." Yugi ran to get Crystal, who had been in such distraught she didn't hear him come in, "Crystal-" Crystal jumped in surprise, screaming quietly.


"Sorry, but my puzzle has started to glow, and it's leading me somewhere, I was wondering if you'd come with me."

"Sure..." Crystal got up and followed him.

"We turn left." Yugi said as he pointed at an alley, "That looks scary."

"Let me go first Yugi." Crystal walked towards the alley, shrouded in darkness, and looked around. She saw nothing, so she turned to face Yugi, "It's safe-" suddenly a arm wrapped itself around her neck and pulled her against a body.

"Crystal!" Yugi shouted as Yami took over who glared at the tall figure, "Let her go!"

"Nah, Princess here left without her ring. That means she's unable to see me." Crystal began to cough, trying to get free from the invisible attacker.

"She can't see you?" Yami questioned, "Wait how do you know she doesn't have her ring?!"

"That's because I have it." The dark voice suddenly threw Crystal to the ground.

"Crystal!" Yami ran to her and suddenly an arrow almost hit his arm, stopping him in his tracks, "What?!"

"You'll get your chance to touch her but first I gotta give you something." The solid black figure walked over to Yami and put its fist out, making Yami's puzzle start to glow quite brightly, "Her ring."

"Huh?" Yami held out his hand, and the dark figure dropped the ring into his hand, then suddenly the arrow along with the figure disappeared.

"Y-Yami..." Crystal coughed as she tried to get up but her arms failed her.

"Crystal! Don't move, I've got you." Yami picked her up as she fell unconscious.

Pharaoh what did he do to her?

I'm not sure.

Yami carried her back home, and placed her on her bed.

"I see. Grandpa was right, she's really just an ordinary girl without her ring..." Yami brushed a strand of her hair from her face back to where it belonged.

But she wasn't able to see him.

I know.

Yami put her ring on the desk, and walked out to the concerned Grandpa who was awaiting her condition.

"She'll be fine, she just needs to rest."

"I'm glad she'll be okay." Yugi took over as he nodded.

"Yeah... so am I." Yugi walked into the living room and before long, it was night time. Crystal hasn't come out yet, and it was making Yugi nervous, "I hope she's okay when I go in." Yugi walked into his room, and just as if it was a prayer, she was up, staring at her ring in surprise, "Ah, Crystal!"

"Yugi..?" Crystal peered up at him, "Was it all just a dream?"

Tell her yes, please.

But that will be lying Pharaoh.

"No." Yugi smiled, but his face shown how regretful he was, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have brought you with me..."

"Yugi... if I wasn't there, you could have gotten hurt way worse than I did."

"I know but"

"There's nothing you can argue to make me think about it differently." Crystal got up and walked over to Yugi, the moonlight completely covering her in blue light as she placed her hands on his shoulders, "Yugi, I'm willing to take every ounce of pain this world tries to throw at you, and I do that because I care about you." Crystal started to tear up.

"Crystal?" Yugi said in surprise, "Its okay..." Yugi whispered softly, and suddenly Crystal collapsed, she fainted again, "You, on the other hand, are not okay." Yugi helped her up and placed her back on the bed, that's when her ring caught his attention, there was a crack down the eye.

That's not good.

No its not, Yugi, we must watch her with it on.

Okay. Goodnight Pharaoh.

Goodnight, Yugi.

Mystery Card (Yami Muto X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum