How to live with the wrong question

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"Ally, let me in~" Lucas whined from out my door and I just sat there quite

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"Ally, let me in~" Lucas whined from out my door and I just sat there quite.

"I know you're home! I can smell the coffee." Lucas banged on the door.

I reached my hand to the doorknob but the memory of Ho Yeon say I love Lucas played in my head again stopping me from opening the door.

"Ally, please I need your help." I heard one hard thump on my door before taking a deep breath and smiling before opening the door.

"Omo!" Lucas screamed as he fell when I opened the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked laughing at his hurt face.

"Why did you open it?" Lucas asked pouting.

"You asked me to?" I asked confused.

"I didn't think you would." H got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a sparkling water.

"Why would you think that?" I laughed while grabbing the water from him.

"Because you didn't yesterday." Lucas went back into the fridge to grab a juice box.

"Autumn will freak when she finds out you drank her juice." I laughed while Lucas out back the juice and grabbed a sparkling water.

"Where did you get that sweater?" Lucas looked at me intensely.

"I don't know I just got it at goodwill." I shrugged.

"Oh. For a second I thought it was Ho Yeon's and that you were dating." Lucas laughed.

"Why? Do you have a problem with that?" I asked with my heart racing.

"No. There is a perfect person for everyone and if he was yours I shouldn't have an opinion." He smiled at me.

"A perfect person?" I asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah, that's why I came up here." Lucas tried to hold back his smile giving me butterflys.

"Okay~" I said getting closer to him.

"Don't you think there is just one person for everyone?" Lucas asked enthusiastic looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I-I-I mean there could be ... even if we don't notice sometimes." I mumbled a bit.

"Great!" Lucas screamed jumping up.

"Yeah?!" I jumped up too.

He stopped and looked at me intently leaving me standing there in with blushed red cheeks and a pounding heart.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked with a sudden nervousness.

"Yes." I answered with my eyes wide.

"Can you help me with something?" Lucas asked rubbing his neck.

"Yes, anything." I grabbed his hand.

"I kinda like someone ... " Lucas diverted his eyes from mine.

My heart raced faster than before.

"Who?" I asked with a foggy mind.

"Never mind." Lucas said walking to the door but I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"No, tell me~." I whined.

"She's in China!" Lucas blurted breaking my heart.

"Oh." was all I could say without trying to show how upset I was.

"I knew you would react like this." He sighed.

"What?!" I freaked out.

"I knew you'd be on edge because she's in China-but she's coming here soon." Lucas made me confused.

"Um, just explain how you want me to help." I said swallowing down any feelings I thought I had.

"When she comes can you just see if she likes me?" He gave a innocent smile.

"I'll do anything to help you." I hid the pain I was feeling with a hug.

"Thank you so much, Ally." Lucas hugged me tight.

"Now, tell me about her!" I pulled away with any excitement I could drag up.

"Her name is Ying Yue and I've known her since I was 5. I pretty much grew up with her." Lucas smiled to himself making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Do you have any photos of her?"

"Yeah, from a while ago." Lucas pulled out a photo

"Cute~" I said grabbing his phone

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"Cute~" I said grabbing his phone.

"I took that a few years ago." Lucas's smile dropped.

"Do you know what she looks like now? Or even how she acts?" I asked without thinking.

"No ... No! I don't know anything anymore!" Lucas freaked out.

"Calm down everything will be fine." I rubbed his back.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Lucas asked with hurt eyes.

"I haven't."

"Then why didn't you answer your door for the past two days?"

"I've been dealing with Autumn." I got a little frustrated at just thinking about it.

"What do you mean? What's up with Autumn?" Lucas asked clearly unaware.

"No one knows where she is, she hasn't answered any calls or texts and hasn't been to work in days. The company is furious."

"I just seen her downstairs?" Lucas looked at me confused.

"What!?" I yelled startling him.

"She's down stairs." Lucas said shrugging.

"Come on!" I pulled Lucas's arm and dragging him down with me.

Opening the door I stomped down the hall seeing Autumn laying on Haechan's bed.

"Autumn!" I yelled scaring her.

"Ally?" Autumn said before bursting out into tears.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked Haechan.

"Well, I think it has something to do with her being sick?" Haechan questioned himself.

"No! It's because of everything." Autumn sniffled.

"Did you find out you're fired?" I asked with a concerned face.

"I am fired!?" Autumn screamed.

"You didn't know?" I asked feeling guilty.

"What am I going to do now?!" Autumn cried harder than before.

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