You're kidding me, right?

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"Tonight's been fun

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"Tonight's been fun." I said stretching.

"I know, thanks Allyson for being a friend while I'm here." Ying Yue smiled at me.

"I'm not just a friend while you're here. You mean a lot to Lucas so I'll always be there for you." I leaned in and gave Ying Yue a hug.

"Can I ask you a question though?" Ying Yue looked at me serious.

"Umm, yeah anything." I said kind of nervous.

"Why did Lucas pull you out of the dorm that one day?" She asked raising an eyebrow.


"Why are you acting like this?" I asked annoyed ripping my arm out of his grasp.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked me confused.

"Why are you trying to act tough?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So you don't have to be." Lucas bent down a little to reach my eye level and give me a small smile.

My heart pounded like crazy and without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips met.

Not pulling away I held onto him as tight as I could not wanting this moment to end.

I loved everything about that moment. I loved the way he smelled, the way his soft lips felt against mine, his body heat, the feeling of having him right there in my arms.

A//N~ I cringed writing this

"Al-Ally." Lucas said in the midst of our kiss.

Finally we broke apart making my heart drop.

We stared in eachothers eyes and said nothing.

There was nothing either of us could say, I could she the question in his eyes but he never said it out loud.

EnD oF FlaSHbACk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Nothing important." I said trying to hide my blushing cheeks.

"I always thought Lucas wouldn't ever like someone other than me but I guess you proved me wrong." Ying Yue said while winking at me causing my cheeks to burn hotter than before.

"No need to be embarrassed." She said laughing.

"There's nothing going on between us." I said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"There's no need to lie to me. I can help you out... if you help me." Ying Yue said with a smirk.

"Help you with what?" I asked intrigued.

"Help me get  Haechan." She said walking over to me and poking me in the nose.

" He's with my best friend! I'm sorry but you can't I won't let you!" I yelled getting frustrated.

"Calm down, I don't actually want that overtalkitive twit. I just wanted to how you would react." She said laughing.

"I'm confused?" 

"If I wanted that boy I wouldn't need you. I could have him easily sense his standards are low." Ying Yue said pointing at a photo of Autumn and Haechan.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?!" I asked getting angry.

"You really get angry too fast. But that's not the point." She said opening the fridge and grabbing a Bubbly.

"Then what is the point?" I asked really pissed at this point.

"I want Taeyong." She said right before the door burst open with Autumn, Haechan and Frida.

"I can't believe you Autumn!" Frida yelled.

"It's not like I meant for this to happen!" Autumn yelled back.

"Both of you just stop!" Haechan yelled crying?

"What on Earth is going on here?" I asked confused.

"Autumn cheated on Haechan!" Frida yelled at me.

"No I didn't!" Autumn yelled.

"Then what do you call kissing another man and saying you love him!" Frida yelled.

"You did what!" I yelled surprised by Autumn's actions.

"How did that get another man?" Ying Yue said under her breath.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" Autumn yelled in Ying Yue's face.

"Why do you all get to riled up?" Ying Yue said rolling her eyes and walking away.

"Come at me, Bitch!" Autumn yelled at Ying Yue who just yawned.

"Autumn, calm down." Haechan said still in tears.

"What did you do to him?" I asked walking over to Haechan and hugging him.

"I didn't mean to." Autumn said pouting.

"You didn't mean to my ass." Frida said once again angry.

"Who was it?" I asked trying to get the whole story.

"Hyung..." Haechan mumbled while leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Who?" I asked patting Haechan on the head.

"Doyoung." He managed to say before bawling again.

"Autumn Rose!" I yelled.

"I didn't want this to happen... I tried holding it back." Autumn said pouting.

"Yeah right, bitch." Ying Yue said while sitting on the couch.

"Who the fuck is she and do I have to beat her ass to shut her up?" Autumn said holding up a fist.

"Sweety don't even try." Ying Yue said laughing which edged on Autumn.

"Oh fuck this! I'm leaving!" Autumn yelled walking to the door.

"And where are you going to go?" I asked concerned.

"I'll stay at Stray Kids' dorm." Autumn said stomping out. 

"She's just going to go like that?" Haechan asked looking up at me with a pouting face.

"She just needs time to think." I said rubbing his back.

"You should probably take him to bed." Frida said and I nodded.

I brought Haechan into Autumn's room and laid him down on her bed.

"It smells like her." Haechan said sobbing while holding Autumn's stuffed tiger.

Oh god, we really need Elyse.

I hope she's doing okay over there.

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