How to live with a recovering broken heart

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"Why won't he um-answer me?" Frida asked drunk looking at me with tears in her eyes

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"Why won't he um-answer me?" Frida asked drunk looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"He will." I said rubbing her back.

"It's been months now and it's still not the same." She whaled.

"You know I don't like being serious with you, Fri Fri but if your not happy do something about it." I said seriously but she just laughed before crying again.

"He doesn't trust me anymore. The more I work with male artists he seems to get more distant." She said hiccuping after.

I don't know what to do. I should call Elyse.

I grabbed my phone calling Elyse who answered annoyed, "What is it."

"Come over here Frida has too much to drink." I said waiting for a response.

"Same spot?" Elyse asked.

"Same for the past month." I said before hanging up.

"Bully, Elyse will be here in a bit." I said to the bartender that we've become close to thanks to Frida.

"Okay, Ally see you next time?" He said waving me off.

"I can't believe I've been doing this for so long. Frida needs to get her act together." I mumble to myself walking the path I always do.

Walking past the park I see the same boy dancing in the same place I always have but only at this time of night.

"He's good,huh?" This guy came up next to me placing his arm on my shoulder.

"Ugh, Yeah." I answered nervously at the taller guy with a smooth voice and light peach hair.

"I taught him most he knows." The guy said smiling proud of the boy dancing.

"Then you taught him good." I replied.

"That's Daewon by the way." He pointed at the boy now looking at us with his bright red hair.

"I'm Allyson." I said looking up at the guy still leaning on my shoulder.

"Wait, you're a foreigner?" He asked looking at me surprised.

"Yeah, you couldn't tell?" I asked laughing because of my blond hair and blue round eyes.

"Sorry, it's really dark and I haven't slept in a while nor have I eaten." He spoke looking unbothered.

"That's not good for you. If you want I can get you something." I smiled being polite.

"I couldn't burden you but thanks for the offer." He rubbed my hair.

"I wouldn't want someone like you to starve." I answered back.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"Because you're already skinny." I smiled before seeing the red hair boy walk to us.

"Hi Hyung who's this?" He asked with a bright smile.

"An admirer of your talent." He said looking down at me and I nodded.

"Hi, I am Daewon." He said looking at me with his pricing eyes.

"I'm Allyson." I said to the boy who just nodded and walked away.

"I guess that's my cue to go." The peach haired boy started to jog away.

"WHATS YOUR NAME?!" I yelled curious about him.

"Ho-!" He yelled back from a distance making the rest cut off but leaving me smiling all the way until I reached the dorm.

"Why are you so happy?" Autumn asked as I entered the dorm.

"You has a date?" Haechan asked beside Autumn.

"No, I was with Frida but I think I'm in love." I said laying next to Daniela who was calling Johnny.

"You sound like Autumn." Daniela said causing Autumn to throw a pillow at her.

"I mean it's about time you get a boyfriend." Haechan said laughing until Autumn stopped playing with his hair and hit him in the head.

"She can take as long as she wants." Johnny said through the phone.

"So who's the guy?" Autumn asked.

"I don't know." I said laughing to myself.

"You don't know but you love him?" Daniela asked looking at me like I was stupid.

"I know he is y'all with peach hair, his name is Ho something , he has a younger friend named Daewon with Red hair and they both can dance." I said nodding.

"You sound crazy." Autumn said looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'll go back every night to see if he's there or at least his friend." I said assure of my plan.

"Who are you Autumn?" Daniela said earning another pillow thrown at her but by Haechan.

"If you throw another pillow Haechan I'll kill you." Johnny said through the phone.

"No you won't because Autumn loves me and Daniela loves her." Haechan said with full confidence.

"Who said I loved that?" Daniela looked at Autumn disgusted.

"I'll kill you." Autumn said standing causing Daniela to run to her room with Autumn chasing her.

"You love me!" Autumn yelled walking back into the livening room where Haechan looked all relaxed as if it normal.

"Ah you're really becoming one of us." I said to Haechan whipping off a nonexistent tear.

"Just go to sleep." Haechan said before I walked into my room.

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