How to live with a lost love

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"Oh my god

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"Oh my god." I said holding my head trying to sit up.

"Yeah, that should hurt seeing how you drank 5 bottles." An unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Who's that?" I asked trying to blink away the blurry scenery.

"Oh, Elyse left with Chan so they asked me to come." He said causing me to remember who was there.

"Hyunjin? Why didn't they call Jaehyun?" I asked a little nauseous.

"He wouldn't answer and I was free." Hyunjin said handing me a cup of tea.

"I should call him." I said grabbing my phone and taking a drink of tea.

"I don't think you should." Hyunjin said trying to take my phone but I already called him.

"Jaehyun?" I asked smiling when the ringing stopped.

"What is it Frida I'm working." He said irritated causing me to drop my face.

"Oh sorry." I said looking at Hyunjin who seemed angry.

"It's fine I'm just tired but what can I help with?" He asked.

"She's hungover." Hyunjin said grabbing the phone.

"Who is that?" Jaehyun asked angry and hurt.

"I'm Hyunjin who's here with her because you aren't." Hyunjin said before hanging up.

"What the-!" I yelled at Hyunjin who's face turned from angry to apologetic.

"I'm sorry." Hyunjin said getting up.

"No wait!" I yelled getting up stumbling to him.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Why did you act like that?" I looked at him pissed.

"I'm sorry but everyone talks about how you've been going down hill and I just went off." Hyunjin said trying to make me sit.

"I don't want to sit! How am I going down hill!?" I yelled losing balance.

"Calm down. Sit I'll tell you." Hyunjin said grabbing me and making me sit.

"Drink the tea." He said placing the mug in my hands.

"Fine. Tell me now." I drank the tea looking at him waiting.

"Everyone talks about how you drink almost every night and even people who don't know you say that your whole career was just two songs. They even say that Jaehyun ruined all the potential you had." Hyunjin said not looking at me at any time.

"Do they really?" I asked with my tear falling down my cheek.

"Yes, that's why I snapped when he answered." Hyunjin said looking down once again after taking a small glance at me.

"I'll show them they're wrong." I grabbed my phone and went to a folder I've been working on for months.

"What do you mean!" He asked me confused.

"This right here will be my comeback." I said smiling showing him lyrics I've written in the past.

"Is this all about him?" Hyunjin asked looking up from my phone.

"Yeah, I used the pain I felt and wrote it down when I was drunk." I said.

"Why did you write it down, though?" He asked still reading.

"You see this bartender at the bar I always go to told me to. He's like a rapper from a rap group or something." I said taking my phone back.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"His name is Yoon Byungho or Bully da bastard but I also have an old instrumental that could fit." I said playing it out loud.

"You should have Chan Hyung look at this for you." Hyunjin said while remembering some of the lyrics I wrote.

"Who's going to me the artist?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know yet, maybe a girl because it's a girls feelings?" I said drinking my tea once again before laying back down on my bed.

"You up, drunkerd?" Elyse asked coming into the room with Chan.

"Yeah." I said smiling at Elyse who brought me back subway.

"what were you guys doing?" Chan asked drinking out of my cup causing me to glare at him.

"He told off Jaehyun, told me everyone is disappointed in me, I had an epiphany, showed him lyrics and instrumental." I said shrugging.

"Wait, Jaehyun answered you?" Elyse asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes." I answered.

"And he told him off?" Chan looked surprised and angry.

"Yeah, but did you not hear that I want to release a new song?" I asked smiling.

"Really?" Elyse asked.

"Show me what you got." Chan said coming to me and grabbing my phone.

"Show them all you can be as good even without a guys love." Hyunjin said waving goodbye before leaving.

"But I still have his love, right?" I asked looking at Elyse.

"I still believe you do." Elyse said smiling at me.

"I think it's time to move on." Chan said looking at Frida with a suggestive facial expression.

"I don't think I'm ready to let go of him." I said with a lump in my throat.

"But maybe he is." Chan said being serious.

"God Chris, shut up. If she cries I'll kill you." Elyse said pushing him out the room.

"Don't think too much about what he said, think about your music." Elyse smiled at me and left my room.

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