How to live with something new

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"Thanks to those dumb idiots people know about us

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"Thanks to those dumb idiots people know about us." I spoke annoyed.

"Well, they assume. But I thought you were still confused if we were an 'us." Johnny said looking at me.

"Come on, you know we are something but I don't really like to talk about it all the time." I said going into the elevator.

"But we are dating correct."

"Yes, Johnny. Everyone knows that around us."

"Not everyone." Johnny said under his breath.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"I don't know- the public." Johnny said slightly raising his voice.

"That would just make this more complicated." I brushed off the thought.

"I'm serious I want them to know." Johnny looked at me in the eyes.

"Let's y'all about this tomorrow." I said walking out of the elevator and to the dorm.

"Where did you go?" Autumn asked finally home from Haechan's dorm.

"She left to deal with Elyse." Allyson responded.

"Why?" Autumn asked looking at me for an answer.

"Because Elyse and Kai are idiots that just might have messed up my relationship." I said frustrated.

"How?" Allyson asked with her phone in hand.

"Because it's now known that Johnny was seen with a gurl tonight. Aka me and Johnny wants to tell everyone it's me but it'll just be to chaotic." I complained.

"Damn, that sucks I'm glad me and Haechan aren't reveled.

"Yeah, I know how you feel." Allyson said not looking up from her phone.

"You know you're not dating anyone right?"  I looked at her judging.

"That's not the point." Allyson said looking pathetic.

"I wonder when your article will be out?" Autumn questioned.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her with my heart pounding.

"I mean the writer of the story will probably be on top of this, right." Autumn said shrugging at me.

"No, not this soon...right?" I asked nervously.

"Autumn's right, they just updated." Allyson looked at me with slight worry.

"This better not be the end of me." I said before picking up my phone reading the article.

Welcome back, I rushed to get you this article about NCT's Johnny and not so mysterious girl as soon as possible.  After talking with another and new one of my SM employees they've told me all I and you need to know about Daniela. Yes, that is her name Daniela. She's the sister of fallen upcoming artist Kalopisa. They have recently started their relationship around 5 months ago but they don't seem like a couple to the eye. My source has said that Daniela and Johnny seem more like really close friends and first glance but when you really look you can see the love they have for one another. Leave your comments below!

"I really hate this person." I said slamming my phone by the side of me.

"Did you read the comments? Autumn, you're going to die." Allyson said and Autumn looked at her crazy.


"Someone said, 'Why is everyone is NCT having a girlfriend! I'm happy for Johnny but if my baby Haechan is dating someone I'll kill her!" Allyson read aloud causing Autumn to sit still and us laugh out loud.

"Another comment says, 'I'm happy that Johnny is finally dating someone as him being an older member." Autumn read smiling.

"Like Dani, everything could be bad but it's not people support you guys." Allyson said making me feel a bit better.

"I guess it's not so bad." I smiled reading more comments of people being happy for us.

"A lot of people are talking about Frida." Allyson brought.

"Yeah, didn't she say she's releasing a new song soon?" Autumn asked me for confirmation.

"Yeah, she might even record it herself." I said remembering our conversation from earlier.

"She's going to be the one singing?!" Allyson yelled surprised.

"I hope so." I said hoping for my sister to gain more acknowledgment.

"But Ally isn't it time for you to go look for that guy?" Autumn asked and Allyson looked at the time.

"No, I'll leave in 10 minutes." Allyson blushed.

"You don't even know his name." I said looking at her.

"Daniela you don't get this love." Allyson crossed her arms mad.

"Remember I have a boyfriend but you jus have a fantasy."

"Daniela, just because you didn't see him doesn't mean he's not real." Allyson said stomping out of the dorm.

"Way to go Dani, she's going to be moody later." Autumn said walking to her room.

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