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-L O N D Y N-

Even after six months, the process of mourning had not yet finished. As long as it had been, the poignancy still lingered.

Ever distinctively, and everlasting.

The wine glass clutched between both of my hands offered little to no escape. With every sip of Cabernet came a memory.


Somewhere on the wood of the coffee table littered with papers lies my cell phone.

Flinging forward, my hands fumble through the clutter in search of my cell.

The phone vibrates against my palms. Mom. I toss the phone onto the table watching as it sits buzzing upon the puddle of mess. She'd have to wait later, I was not going to talk to her sober let alone drunk.

"Did you save a glass for me?" Startled, I jump, the wine splashes onto the pile of papers before me.

Mia stood at the front door, dark brown locks against tan skin. Her face littered with freckles.

Click -clack, click-clack

Went her heels against the tile of the apartment, echoing off the walls. "Of course, how could I not?" I reply.

Pushing off the sofa, I trudge in the direction of the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, I reach for a wine glass.

"Is this really what your doing now? Staying home, drinking wine?" Mia's seated herself on a barstool at the kitchen island.

She makes me sound like an alcoholic.

Pouring wine into the glass I place it in front of Mia, before I grab my wine glass and join her at the counter.

"Hey, can't I just spend a little time to myself?" I question. "Hun, it's been six months. It's time for you to move on and keep going." Mia motivates. Had I not known her for as long as I did, I would have thought she was being difficult.

Mia was a dull-spoken, scintillating woman.

I shrug, "it's not that easy." Reaching for the wine, I pour myself another glass. "You can't possibly go to New York like this. What would your mom think of you? You went from being-." Her face falls as her lips part slightly, eyes as wide as saucers.

"Londyn hun, that is not what I meant." It is what she meant. "Mia..." I whisper. My eyes well with tears. Salty tears take their leave down my chin.

"Londyn honey, oh no." Mia's arms circle around my waist, rocking slowly. Sobs punch through my body. Anger, grief, sadness all clawing to the surface, all at once.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay. Your going to be okay...." The words don't offer any comfort, if anything it evokes unwanted emotions.

"Let's get you to bed okay?" With great precaution Mia leads me down the hall of the apartment.

Mia guides me onto the mattress, grabbing the duvet she tucks me in as a mother does a child.

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