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With a reluctant nod, Shop Owner turned back towards Grace. Shock pushed his eyebrows to his receding hairline at the surrounding pets, all gathered at Grace's sides.

Tremors racked through their skin, bottom lips wobbling. Warmth flowed through Grace's chest, a small smile creeping back onto her face. A new shade of crimson took over Shop Owner's skin, the leather leash groaning from his tightening grip.

The young vampire chuckled, pinching his chin with long fingers. "Wow," He mused. "She seems favored among the pets. It seems her kindness has taken its toll."

Snarling, Shop Owner ground his teeth, forcing words passed them. "Move it." The words came out dark and deadly, promising nightmares if they did not listen.

Flinches jerked through each body, still, they didn't move, sinking their teeth into their lips to stop whimpers, bodies tense to stop shivers that continued to slip. The boy behind her tightened his hold on her shoulders as if to protect her from prying hands.

Heart throbbing, Graced scanned the pen. The spoiled girls were huddled in one corner, clutching to each other with dipped brows and wobbling lips. The young teenager was staring without shame, lips tilted in a smirk. Around and behind him were numerous Demons, all confused and curious for the ending scene.

A soft sigh pushed past her lips. There was no way around it. Taking the shaking boy's arms into her hands, she gently pried them away, shifting to sit on her knees. The boy's eyes widened, his bottom lip beginning to wobble. With a tender touch, she gathered him into her arms, stroking his back as he started to whimper. The others gathered closer, lips wobbling. As the small boy sniffled, she slipped away, gathering the others into her arms as well. The shivering blonde gripped her dress, body trembling as soft whimpers tumbled from her lips. Placing a soft kiss to her head, Grace pried away from her hands, standing on stiff, trembling legs. As a last act of defiance, Grace stared into Shop Owner's eyes, her face passive.

Swallowing the heavy bite of his rage, Shop Owner strapped the collar around her throat, clipping the leash in place before he nearly dragged her from the pen. "Here you are sir, you're pet." His hand thrust the battered leash toward the man, almost eager to get her away from his skin.

With his smug grin still on his lips, the younger vampire curled his hand around the leash, gently tugging it toward him. It took a swallow to push down her pride, her feet taking a small step toward him. When she didn't scurry to his side, he tugged harder, just slightly. Again, she barely moved. Her eyes locked with his, gasps flooding the shop. It was forbidden for a pet to look into the eyes of their new master, and yet she did it without a shiver. The grin on his lips widened.

"She's perfect." He laughed, yanking the leash harshly. Shock widened her eyes as she tumbled forward, nearly knocking into his chest, the skin around her neck burned from the uncomfortable rub. "I would like to buy her now. I want to get her home."

Shop Owner scoffed, stomping past him. With a jerk of his head, he snapped, "Follow me, sir."

He did so without complaint, tugging her leash. Deciding another yank could be avoided, she followed, her head tilted high with what was left of her pride. When his head twisted back toward her, his grin split his lips, revealing a sharp, white fang.

Shop Owner rang him through, muttering under his breath. "Would you like to have your pet delivered? Each delivery comes with a free bathe, groom, and a new set of clothing."

The vampire turned toward her, racking his eyes across her figure. Urges to hide itched in her arms, threatening to cross over her chest when his eyes lingered there. She forced her arms to stay at her side.

"Yes, I would like that." He turned back to Shop Owner. "Do I set a delivery time?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright." The vampire pulled out a piece of paper, plucking a pen from the counter. "I want her delivered in three hours to this address." He spoke as he scribbled, sliding the paper across the counter once he had finished. "Not a minute late."

Shop Owner snatched the paper, stomping from around the counter. "Follow me, sir."

The leash tugged, guiding her through the crowd, who continued to stare. Shop Owner guided them to a large, brown door Grace had never seen, stopping in front of it. "This is the bathing room." Shop Owner explained curtly, turning back toward his two followers. He held out his hand. "If I may,"

The vampire didn't budge. "She will be treated well?"

Twisting up her head, she couldn't hide her confusion. Why should he care? What would it matter? Her fate was already sealed once she arrived at his home.

Shop Owner also paused. "Yes, sir."

After another few seconds, the vampire handed her leash to Shop Owner, stepping away with his hands in his pockets. "Alright. I will be waiting at home." He twisted on his heel, only to pause. "Make sure her hair is trimmed, it looks horrible."

A pout pushed out her bottom lip, her arms finally crossing over her chest. It was true that Shop Owner didn't take care of his merchandise unless they had been sold, even with haircuts, but he still didn't have to sound so rude.

Shop Owner apparently felt the same. "Of course, sir. Have a good day." He said, his tone sharp and impatient.

With a final nod, the vampire walked off, his shoes tapping against the tile until they faded past the door, the bell chiming after him.

Once the bell finished its chime, Grace choked as she was forcefully yanked backward, her back crashing with rough concrete. Hissing past the sting, she saw she was inside a tiny room, a small, wooden tub sitting against the wall, a silver, rusting faucet dripping into it. Beside the tub was a large drain, an expensive brand of shampoo and conditioner waiting patiently nearby.

"You have 10 minutes." Shop Owner snarled from the doorway, his teeth grinding. "Your clothes will be brought over after you're done."

The door slammed behind him. 

Abused and BoughtOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora