Crown for a Queen

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Grace's fingers brushed delicately through the young boy's hair, his head on her thighs as his breaths flowed softly from his lips. He was exhausted, falling asleep the second Grace forced his head onto her lap. They had slipped into an awkward silence just hours ago when Grace had finally popped the question of his sleeping habits. His answer had her mouth gaping.

For the last few nights, he had been waking up at midnight, wrapped in arms and pressed to a stranger's chest. He would hear lustful words brush his ear, words that would leave him blushing tomato red. He would be trapped, unable to move as his body out of fear, hands gliding on his stomach, neck, waist and hips, all while the voice whispered. No matter how much he whimpered and begged, the voice would only laugh.

He knew it was a vampire because his shirt would be pulled to the side, and fangs would puncture his flesh. The man would never suck his blood, but he would sink his fangs into his nape, whispering words.


"Sweet Thing."

"Little pup."

He had found out who it was just last night, and when he mustered up the courage to turn his head,  he went pale.

It was the King's second-born son, centuries older than Hunter, who happened to be the youngest child of the King, with inky black hair and blood-red eyes. His skin was kissed by the sun from sneaking out during duties or taking vacations, things he did weekly. He had slipped away from his eighteenth birthday before he could drink the tonic a century before.

He was said to be sneaky and troublesome, pushing every one of his servants to insanity. When the young boy had come to work for the King just weeks ago, his misbehavior had gotten worse, and many of the prince's servants had begged the boy to take care of him in their stead, saying that he behaved better with him.

He never believed it, as the prince acted like a spoiled child whenever he took other's jobs. He would cling to him as if he was a fly to sugar-glue. He would whine and complain when he refused to do as he ordered.

Grace couldn't help but giggle when the boy spoke of such things, pouting with his arms crossed before yawning deeply. Grace had to pull an 'I am the prince's pet' move when he had frantically refused her invitation to lay his head on her lap.

Hours later, he was still asleep, curled on the couch, Grace's fingers stroking his scalp. He sighed blissfully as he snuggled further onto her dress, curling into a tighter ball.

She smiled sweetly at him. He reminded her so much of a young girl who had been the closest Grace would call a friend while in the pet shop. The poor girl had been terrified of the dark, crawling to Grace's corner to lay her head on her lap while she brushed her scalp every night until the poor girl was bought by a demon. Her heart tugged.

Before she could sink further into her memories, a knock came to the door, light and quick.

She hesitated before ever so slowly slipping from the couch, resting the boy's head on the soft cushion before trotting to the door, softly twisting the lock and pulling it open.

Her eyes went wide, the sight of Francise shocking her. Before Grace and Hunter had left the mansion, Francise had told her that she wouldn't be able to make it to the castle until the day before Hunter's party. That was still two days away.

"Francise! You are early!" She signed, giving a teasing smile.

The smile she received was tighter, but still a teasing grin.

"I came early!" Her smile turned sly. "I was thinking I could show you something. No one else has seen it yet!"

Grace blinked. Raising a brow, she began to sign once again.

"What is it?" 

Francise merely smirked before gently taking her hand. 

"It's something that no one but the Royal family is allowed to see."

Grace immediately pulled away, shaking her head. 

'If only Royals are allowed to see it, then I would get in trouble!'

Francise rolled her eyes, taking her hand again.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be with you! It'll be quick, and worth it! Come on Grace, don't you want to explore more of the castle?!"

Grace chewed her lip, pulling skin from the flesh. She had been getting bored just sitting in the room all day.....and if she was with Francise, she would be safe. She sighed and nodded.

'Just let me get changed.' She signed.

Francise shook her head, pulling Grace down the hall.

"Don't worry, no one is going to care."

Grace pulled her lips to the side, but decided not to argue as Francise pulled her down the large hallway, the sound of their footsteps thudding against the carpet.

They passed by the entrance of the hallway, walking down stairs towards the entry hall.

As they passed, Grace noticed at least five gorgeous women at the door, conversing and giggling in high voices. Their dressed were either tight or Victorian age, shining like silk in the sun and lights. Her heart stung as they passed them, their laughter fading as they walked down an unfamiliar path.

Francise pulled her through whinding corridors and twisting hallways, completely silent no matter how hard Grace pulled. They finally stopped at a large oak door at the end of a wide hallway, ancient Vampiric writing burned into the wood. She finally turned to look at Grace, a sly smirk growing onto her face before she pushed open the doors, the wood creaking silently.

The room was wide but empty, a single pedestal in the center. Francise pulled Grace into the room before releasing her hand. She stood beside the pedestal. Grace crept closer, noticing the silken cloth draped over the top, a strange lump underneath it. Francise grabbed the cloth.

"Behold." She whispered, slowly pulling the cloth from the pedestal. "The future Queen's crown."

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