Follow the Rules or Be Punished

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Three hours, it took three hours to get the X-rays, showing that she had multiple broken and fractured ribs, some even close to puncturing her lungs. She sighed, looking down at the bandages around her chest. The room was small, surprising Grace, as how the rest of the mansion was absolutely humongous. A small door granted whoever wanted entry inside. A small bedside table held a small tray.

The door clicked open. Looking up, her eyes widened.

Hunter stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl on his lips.

"Such a nuisance." He grumbled, stalking towards the bed. He sat on the edge. "So you're a mute huh?"

She nodded silently. His tongue clicked in distaste with narrowed eyes.

"Whatever." He stood, folding his arms. "Well, listen here."

There's nothing better to do so why not?

She nodded.

"I have a couple of rules that I need to pound into your head." He rose a single finger. "Rule number one: Never disobey me. If I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it." Another finger rose. "Rule number two: keep your head down, and stay small. You won't track as much attention if you do." Another finger. "Rule number three:" He leaned close into her face. "Never and I mean never leave the room without me. If we go out, never leave my side. Follow these rules and we'll get along fine. Disobey a single rule," His eyes flashed. "You will be punished."

She nodded. More threats. Three years ago, that would have frightened her. Not anymore.

"Good." He sighed, annoyed that she showed absolutely no fear. He rose. "I'm going into town to get you a new collar and leash. Maybe I'll think of a name for your while I'm in there."

As he turned to leave, she rolled her eyes. She would much prefer to keep her birth name, but that sadly wasn't up to her.


She looked up at him. He stood there in the doorway, glaring at her.

"Break one rule, and I will punish you."

And without another word, he slammed the door, leaving Grace in silence.


Short but the best I've got so far. So I'm having a writer's block on this book, so it might take a while for more updates just FYI. Thank you all for reading this far!

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