More Rules and Punishment

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Dinner was the very definition of 'awkward'. Neither spoke, and the only sounds that filled the room was the clinking of silverware against glass. She shivered as his gaze seemed to penetrate her head, which she kept lowered and away from his gaze.

"It's strange." He suddenly muttered. "Fear does not radiate off of you like it does with most pets, yet you keep your head down, why?"

She stopped chewing, swallowing and picking up the notebook from beside her, taking the small pencil and scribbling down on another page. She handed it to Hunter.

"It is merely respect." She had written.

"Respect?" He questioned. "You don't fear me?"

He handed back the notebook and she began to scribble again. She handed it back.

"All that you have done is only what I had suspected. You drink from me, you force me, you have only proven that you are much like all other masters. I dont fear you just yet, surprise me."

He blinked at the words on the page. She gently plucked it from his hands and scribbled once again.

"But....what I don't know is this, why did you say "mine"?"

He blinked.

"That is for another time Candy."

She sighed and scribbled once more, holding out for him to see.

"I have a name."

Upon reading the words, he looked at her, resting his chin onto the back of his hand.

"Then please enlighten me. What is your real name?"

Before she could write down her answer, a knock sounded at the door. She looked at it, scrambling from where she sat and hurried to the door. A happy smile brightened her face when a brown haired servant boy stood at the entrance. He bowed.

"Good evening."

She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Even when they had merely met twice, one time not even an actual meeting, she deemed him as a friend. Taken by surprise, it took him a small while to wrap his arms around her and return the friendly gesture. She released him when an irritated throat clearing broke their small greeting. He smiled at her once again before bowing to Hunter, who stood with his arms crossed behind her.

"My prince, your father requested that you take care of some business in a nearby state concerning the blood collecting of this year." He stated robotically.

Hunter groaned.

"Very well, when will I go?" He asked.

"In two days time at noon."

"Very well. What state?"


"Alright." He wrapped his arm around Candy's waist. "Now excuse us, but I have some matters to discuss with Candy."

He then proceeded to slam the door in his face, giving him no time to say goodbye. His eyes turned hard as he gripped both of her small arms in his large hands. She winced at the pain.

"You really have no experience in relationships do you?" He hissed darkly.

Well, she was kidnapped when she was 13 and had never had a boyfriend before and never planned on dating her master so what did he expect?

She shook her head. His grip tightened.

"Well then, looks like we'll have to set some ground rules."

More rules?

"First, never and I mean never, hug another man, secondly, never look at another man, thirdly, never speak to another man, even when I am not looking. Fourthly, never allow any other man inside this room while I am gone. Is that clear?"

Sighing, she nodded her head.

"Good." He threw her to the bed. "Now for your punishment."

Her eyes widened as he landed above her, hovering over her. Shaking her head, she shoved his chest, squirming. Taking her hands, he slammed them into the covers above her head and captured her lips. He kissed her, sucking and biting harshly at her lips. She winced at the pain. The kiss was demanding, harsh and unforgiving, punishing her for breaking rules she had not known before they were made. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, taking ever last bit of strength from her body. She was gasping, weak and breathless even before he stopped. He removed his mouth, licking at the blood seeping from her swollen, throbbing lips. He licked his own, his gaze mischievous and dark.

"This is what will happen, but I won't be so nice next time." He whispered huskily.

All she could do was pant and gasp, too weak to do anything as her gaze became dark and sleep overtook her.

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