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Slowly, the store emptied, leaving Grace alone in the pen. The door chimed for the last time. Like clockwork, Shop Owner began to bark orders. "Hurry up and restock! We have only an hour!"

Immediately, workers dragged bags and boxes inside the shop. Leashes, collars, muzzles, and more, were restocked to the brink: bath soaps and shampoos clustered on shelves. Other workers hung clothing on racks, cute accessories sitting patiently beside them.

Shop Owner walked off, pulling open a heavy metal door in the back before disappearing behind it. A sickening twist squirmed in Grace's gut. She remembered coming through that door. It was terrifying.

Unlike the girls before, who had probably sat on satin cushions eating fresh sweets while they waited, Grace and many others had sat on hard, cold squared wires. They had to sleep in the cold, with only the clothing on their backs for warmth. There were no sweets or food to eat, and there were many nights were Grace had used the growling stomachs around her as lullabies. The cages were barely big enough to move in, multiple rashes and sores left from shifting around.
They hadn't even been allowed to use the restroom.

When Grace was chosen, she had been forced into bone-chilling water, scrubbed with sandpaper, and fed until she puked. The clothing she had was torn away and replaced with a soft cotton dress. Then she was grabbed by the neck and pulled from the nightmarish room, blinded by the light and thrown onto the hard concrete of the pen.

She's been here since.

Only a few minutes later did the door reopen. Shop Owner emerged, pulling a sobbing blonde by the neck. His jaw was tight, teeth grinding in annoyance as he opened the gate, throwing her into the pen. The poor girl fell with a thud, shivering, her short hair dripping as she shook with silent wails. Shop Owner scoffed, storming off toward the door.

Grace's heart throbbed for the poor girl. She slowly crawled from behind the curtain, gingerly brushing her fingers against the shaking girl. A yelp escaped her, her body flinging itself away as she cowered, neon green eyes wild with fear.

Grace's chest throbbed harder, gently cupping the girl's cheek, stroking it before she slowly wrapped her arms around her trembling shoulders. She kissed her head, combing her fingers through the damp strands of hair. She pulled the girl into her chest. Slowly, the girl began to sob, wrapping her arms around Grace in a vice-like grip. Grace kissed her head again, her gown dampening with the girl's tears.

Minutes later, Shop Owner reappeared, guiding an auburn-haired girl by the hand. She was humming, a smile on her lips. He guided her to the pen, her smile falling at the sight of the two girls.

"Do I have to be with these two losers?" She whined, pouting as Shop Owner unlocked the gate.

Shop Owner chuckled, guiding her into the pen before locking it, walking back into the room. The girl scowled, plopping onto the hard tile with a pout. Grace ignored her.

Nearly an hour later, there were six teenagers in the small pen, not counting Grace. Five girls and one boy. Three of the girls were of the spoiled bunch, giggling and mocking the shivering girls and boy. Grace comforted the trembling teens, making sure they were calm before softly prying off their hands, giving them a look of comfort before moving to the next shivering teenager.

Grace softly stroked the only boy's back, his skin a vibrant chocolate shade, when the door chimed. Placing a soft kiss to his temple, she pried off his arms, placing another, comforting kiss to his forehead before hiding behind the curtain.

Now, it was time for the demons.

The store roared with life almost immediately, bustling crowds gathering at the shelves and racks, laughter, and voices overlapping.
Demons rarely bought pets from Shop Owner. He rarely sold boys, and the ones he did sell, Grace had comforted them all. They weren't what Demons needed. They needed strong males, males who could do hard labor. Demons loved hard labor.

Or, watching it.

Demons were merciless, sadistic. The whips and muzzles were nearly gone already, and only an hour had passed. They were brutal, laughing at spilled blood and agonized screams.

Grace watched from her curtain, sucking in her breath every time a Demon paused by the pen, looking over the single boy before moving on. Employees rushed to and fro, restocking only for the products to disappear.

The door chimed.

"Welcome to ---" Shop Owner stopped. "Sir, it isn't your time yet."

The store faded into silence, soft mumbles whispering through the air. Grace peeked past her curtain, sharing a look with the blonde she had comforted. She looked just as confused, fear crinkling her eyebrows.

A low voice rumbled from the crowd. Grace shivered.
"I'm here for a pet."

The voice was young, Grace realized. Was he a young adult?
Shop Owner spoke again, his voice going stern.

"Sir, you will have to wait for your turn. It is not your time. I must ask you to wait until then."

"I'm not feeling very patient, so I'm going to have to say no." The voice jeered.

A huff poured out of Shop Owner's lips, his tone edging. "Sir, I will ask one last time. Please leave before I get the authorities involved."

Grace's eyebrows rose. She had never heard Shop Owner so upset, not even when conversing with her. To bring the authorities into play, he must have been upset.
The authorities consisted of supernatural of all kinds, the strongest of them. Since supernatural creatures were stronger than any human man, human police officers were no longer needed. Grace shivered.
She had heard about the authorities, and they did not sound friendly.

"So you are not only denying a customer, you dare to threaten them when they have done nothing?" The voice mused, sarcastic shock dripping from his lips.

The Shop Owner was quiet, leaving the air cold. A chuckle filled the empty silence before footsteps tapped through the air, growing closer to the pen.

The few Grace had comforted trembled and whimpered, crawling closer towards Grace's curtain, seeking comfort. The others gave each other looks, excitement dancing in their eyes as they scrambled toward the gate like eager puppies awaiting treats. Grace crawled further behind the curtain.

The crowd parted as the young man walked to the pen, a smirk on his lips.

Grace peeked past her curtain.

A gasp passed her lips.

He was indeed young, his cheekbones high and his skin a light shade of pale, drawing out his cotton pink lips and inky black lashes. On his head was an unruly mop of cobalt blue hair dipping into his ruby-red eyes. His body was fit, not too muscly but clearly strong. His shoulders were broad, his legs slender and long. His hands were large, his arms crossing so that they rested in the crooks of his elbows.

A black T-shirt and leather jacket were on his skin, his pants tight on his waist, his cocoa brown belt keeping them in place. His shoes were also dark, tapping against the tile as he stopped in front of the barred pen.

Grace suddenly understood why Shop Owner was so upset.

He was a vampire.

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