Servant Boy

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The rush of water was intriguing since it was the only sound in the open room. Grace stared at an empty corner, sighing. The water stopped, the door opening, and steam rolling across the floor. Hunter exited the bathroom, a towel around his waist, his chest bare of cloth. Grace swallowed her spit as her mouth began to water. 

His body was perfect. Abs with hollow bumps, skin pale and dripping with water from his shower. His pecs were firm, rolling up and down as he breathed. Her eyes trailed up to his face, her cheeks burning crimson when she saw the coy grin on his lips. He chuckled, moving to his closet and walking inside, leaving Grace to groan in humiliation. 

She didn't know why, but she had become braver in the last few days she had been here. Before, she would have panicked if she had caught as much as a glimpse of his body. Tyler, Marcie, and Matthew had arrived a few hours after Grace and Hunter had, all resting in their respective rooms. She had gotten her dress only a day ago, a plain, dark green dress, falling to the knees with a V neckline and mid-forearm sleeves.  

The boy who had delivered it was the same that had answered the door, his skin light brown, his hair hanging untrimmed around his neck. She noticed bags under his eyes as if he could get no sleep. He was a shy boy, trying oh so hard not to stutter when he handed her the dress in a white box. She had merely smiled kindly and signed 'thank you,' to which Hunter had to translate. 

It has now been nearly a whole week since the incident with his father, and even still, she felt bumps crawl up her arm just at the thought. That man was twisted and sickening, and her heart ached for the women who had been at his feet that day.

She jumped in surprise when Hunter's fingers gently combed into her hair, stroking her scalp. 

"You're overthinking Grace." He chuckled. 

She smiled sweetly, pushing her head further into his touch. It was electrifying, literally. Little shocks would spark through her skin whenever they touched, not at all painful like she had thought when it first happened a few days ago. Instead, it left her body tingling, a pleasant feeling she wanted to feel again and again. She always pushed away from the urge to grab his hand, unsure if he also felt the sparks.  If he had, he gave no sign. 

His birthday was only days away, and hundreds of invitations were sent, calling all eligible daughters of Kings and Royals to the castle, exclaiming about Hunter's upcoming eighteenth birthday. She had been confused as to why it was so young, to which Hunter explained that although vampires refused to acknowledge it, they had some similarities to werewolves. They had ranks, territories, and above all, mates. Vampires met their beloveds very young, as to produce more powerful offspring in their youth. 

He had explained that it does not happen naturally, unlike the werewolves. Centuries ago, it did, but as time went by and the vampire race became more civilized, the instincts no longer worked on their own. 

He then explained how he would drink a tonic at the end of his party, its contents just potent enough to awaken the instincts just slightly, allowing the vampire to sniff out his mate. A unique plant made the tonic, the sap of its being an awakening for many vampire instincts. 

She had shivered when he droned about how centuries ago when a vampire found their mate, they would breed no matter what; if they were underage or married, it did not matter. Vampires were brutal, murdering everything and anything that stood in the way of them and their mate. They would go crazy if deprived of a single touch from their mate for too long, making them go mad with possessiveness, aggression, and sorrow for the lack of contact. In some cases, they would die from the overdrive of senses and emotions. When a vampire got his hands on his mate, he would take her away somewhere he could keep her forever and have as much offspring as his mate could handle. 

He had to take many hours of his morning to convince her that he would never go so far as when the tonic spilled down his throat. He had nearly laughed at her for thinking of such a thing. He had told her that the makers of the brew and the caretakers of the plant were experts, and if anything should happen, there were chains of holy silver in a specially made cell, the bars coated in garlic and also made of sacred silver. Before vampires had become civilized, they were susceptible to many of the old myths, such as garlic and holy water. The cell would only be used if an awakening ceremony went wrong, which hasn't happened for several decades.  

A knock came from the door, hurried and nervous. Hunter opened the door, finding the same shy boy who had given her the dress. 

"P-Prince Hunter, the King requests your audience." 

A growl rumbled from Hunter's throat as the boy visibly flinched. Grace touched Hunter's arm, stroking it lightly. He sighed. 

"Fine." He said sharply. "You." The boy flinched. "The other boy who usually watches her isn't available right now, so you'll have to do. Watch my pet while I'm gone. If anyone tries to harm her, tell me immediately who so that I may deal with it." 

The boy nodded vigorously, his face at the floor as Hunter brushed past him. Grace quickly grabbed the boy's hand, tugging him into the room before closing and locking the door. The boy ripped away his hand, his face going pale only a second later. 

"I-I'm S-Sorry ma'am! I d-didn't mean to take away my hand!" He sputtered out in a panic, his eyes wide with fear. 

She gently took his face in her hands, tilting up his head and pressing a finger to his lips to quiet him. She then took away her hands and slowly moved them up and down in front of her chest as she took deep breathes, all the while maintaining the boy's eyes. He slowly began to copy her, filling his lungs with long breaths and releasing them before his face finally began to fill with color. 

She then took his limp head in her hands, looking into his tired eye while giving a concerned look as if to ask if he was calm. He nodded, and she slowly let him go.

"I-I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I've only been here for a few weeks, and I'm still learning the ropes."

She smiled softly, leading him to the couch so he could sit down.

"Why are you so nice?" He asked as she grabbed a cup of water from the sink and her notebook. 

She sat beside him, scribbling down onto the paper.

"Because I know what it's like to be afraid." 


Hi guys! I am so sorry this took so long! I hate myself for this, but I don't think I'll be able to update very quickly (not that I do anyway). But my parents resent Wattpad, so I can't type with them looking over my shoulder. And I know this will get a lot of hate for my parents, but please be nice with your comments (not that you aren't; I love them). Anyway, I will update you as soon as possible! Thank you all for reading, and Enjoy!


Author~chan ❤

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