Chapter 17

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"Depression! Is it really you?" Deceit asked as he stepped closer towards the side who stood in the doorway.

"The one and only" Depression smirked as he flew open his arms in a grand gesture. Deceit immediately ran towards him, his hand holding the back of Depression's head.

"Oh I've missed you so much Depression" Deceit ran his hand down his cheek, feeling the swirls beneath his hand.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to be back. I've been gone for so long, forced to be the nice guy, the "hero". It was sickening. But now I'm finally me again and it feels so good to be back"

"It feels so good to have you back" Deceit dipped Depression as he kissed his forehead passionately, causing Depression to chuckle.

"Ooh a lot more flirtatious than I remember. I love it. You know, as much as I may have loved Eric, I love this new you even more. You're much...darker than I remember. I love it"

"I try" Deceit smirked as he pulled Depression back to his feet before pulling him into a passionate kiss which Depression quickly returned. A few minutes later, the two were forced to pull away to regain oxygen, much to both of their disgust.

"So, what's the plan?" Depression asked with an evil grin on his face.

"What plan?" Deceit asked, confusion painted on his face.

"Well since we're both dark sides now, I thought you would have devised some elaborate, evil plan to take over the mindscape or something like that"

"I thought that just us two being together was enough" Deceit frowned as he looked down towards the floor. "I thought that since we had each other's love now, we didn't need to take over the mind scape or do something evil"

"Come on, you're a dark side. Where's your sense of fun?" Depression asked as he lifted up Deceit's chin, forcing him to gaze into his eyes. "Don't you wanna get revenge on all those who wronged you. All those who betrayed you"

"I guess so..."

"I mean, as soon as you showed up, they all immediately hated you and rejected you. They treated you like a worthless piece of trash when you are so much more than that. And as for that pathetic Anxiety, he is the worst of them. I mean he may not be truly a light side but he still acts like one and still betrayed you. That's what the light sides do. They betray you and make you feel worthless and I would know, after all I was one of them for years" As Depression told him all of this, tears began to brim Deceit's eyes, horrible memories of all the times he was treated horribly by the other sides flooding back to him, but he desperately tried to hold them back. "Hey it's okay. You've got me now. And you know that I'd never do that to you. I'd never betray you" Depression reassured him, gently wiping his tears away. "I mean Patton may have but he's gone now. It's just you and me now. And I promise I'll never do anything like that" Deceit buried his head in Depression's shoulder as his arms slowly wrapped around him. Depression pat his back soothingly.

"You're right" Deceit mumbled. "They're supposed to be the good guys yet they push us to one side, make us feel worthless. I try to put on this tough façade but sometimes, it's just too much"

"So, do you want to get revenge on those who wronged you?" Depression asked hopefully. "I mean, Anxiety's already tied up in the basement"

"That was simply to keep him out of the way not to get revenge on him"

"That doesn't mean that we can't still have a bit of fun with him though" Depression giggled.

"Why stop at him?" Deceit looked up, his yellow eye glowing brighter than ever before and now filled with hate and anger, his tears and sorrows completely gone. "Why not have a bit of fun with all of them? And once we've finished having our fun, we can take over their minds and the mindscape" An evil grin spread onto Deceit's face and it seemed to be contagious as one soon grew on Depression's face as well.

"Oooh now that's evil. I love it"

When The Past Bites Back (Patton x Virgil)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon