Chapter 17

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Jin and Jennie were driving back home. There was an awkward silence before Jennie broke it,

"Oppa, so... That police officer really do have an interest in you, right?" she said while smirking.

Jin got really flustered by this.

"Oh, shut up, sis!" he snapped back.

"Dude, it's too obvious that he likes you," Jennie said, pressuring the "like" word.

"Jennie, this isn't the time to talk trash!! It's about Taehyung!!" Jin said, his face all red from being flustered.


"Hi, how may I help you, sir?" the police officer asked.

"We're here to report our missing brother!!" Jin said in a panic.

"Calm down, oppa!" Jennie tried to calm him.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you, sweetie, just give me his name and I'll do a research on him," the police officer said.

"Excuse me!? What did you just call me??" Jin exclaimed.

"Sweetie, why? Cause you're too pretty and cute to resist," the police officer said and winked at him.

Jin had never been so flustered in his life!

"Ju-just get to it!!" he exclaimed.

"Haha, anything for you, sweet cheek," the police officer said, making his already red face even redder.

"Oh, and by the way, the name's Namjoon," the police officer said.

With that, they left the police station for Namjoon to work on the case of their missing brother.

While they were walking out, Jin noticed that Jennie was staring at him the whole time.

"What?" he asked.

Jennie giggled. "I can already see two love birds together!!"

"Oh, shut up!!" Jin said while rolling his eyes.

But he never knew that that day, his heart already belonged to a certain police officer...

Haha... Sorry about the late update cause it's been a busy week. Well, I'm back!! And I wrote this chapter cause I nearly FORGOT about Jin and Jennie!! 😂 So here it is, just a story of how Namjin relationship starts😆😂 Bueeeeeeee and thanks for 8.27k reads!!!!! ❤❤❤

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