Sword Training Part 2

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Linghu Chong studied the drawings on the rock with rapt attention. During the past several months, he had memorized the Huashan style sword moves on the rock wall well, so he didn't have to spend any time learning the moves. All he had to do was to try to connect all the distinct and separate sword moves together.

"Everything must be following the natural rhythm. Act when you have to act and stop when you have to stop. If you simply can't connect some of them, then don't connect them. In short, don't force anything," Feng Qingyang pointed out.

Linghu Chong nodded. Since all he had to do was to follow the natural flow, it became an easy task for him regardless of connecting them cleverly or clumsily. Soon, he had connected all the thirty to forty moves of Huashan style sword art together. But to merge all of them into one with no traceable rigid gaps was not so easy. He waved his sword, sometimes slashing to the left, sometimes chopping to the right, without thinking about any moves drawn on the rock wall. He didn't care if his posture or position was close to the drawing or not and simply followed his own will. Occasionally when he had a smooth one, he couldn't help but feeling quite pleased with himself.

He had been in sword training for over ten years. Every time when he practiced, he would always stay very focused with all his heart, not daring to slack in any way. Yue Buqun was a very strict teacher. When his apprentices practiced forms or sword arts, if anyone's arm or leg were slightly off from the perfect position, he would immediately correct them. Everyone's every move or posture had to be in the absolutely perfect position without a single error to get his approval. Linghu Chong was the first and most senior apprentice, besides, he was always eager to do well in everything and excel others. In order to gain praises from Master and Master-Wife, he always put in extra efforts to be strict with himself. Feng Qingyang, on the other hand, had taught in a totally opposite way – the more casual the better. That fitted in with his personality just perfectly. He felt the kind of carefree and joy beyond words, and it seemed as if the pleasure was even more enjoyable than drinking ages old good wine. While he was still intoxicated in practicing, Tian Boguang had shouted from outside.

"Brother Linghu, will you please come out so we can have another contest."

That brought Linghu Chong back to reality. He stopped and stood still.

"Grand Uncle-Master, do you think this random slashing and chopping style sword form of mine will enable me to block his fast knife chops?" Linghu Chong asked hopefully.

"If you want to block, of course it won't help you much. But why do you have to block?" Feng Qingyang said.

Linghu Chong immediately got the idea and the feeling of joy washed over him.

"That's right. He is begging me to go down Mount Huashan with him, so of course he dared not to kill me. In that case, despite what knife moves he uses, I can simply ignore them and just focus on my own attacks."

Linghu Chong stepped out of the cave with his sword in his hand and saw Tian Boguang waiting with his knife drawn.

"Brother Linghu, after Grandmaster Feng gave you some knacks and pointers, your sword skills surely improved a lot. However, when you sealed my point just now, it was only because of my oversight. I am not convinced yet. Let's have another fight," Tian Boguang suggested.

"Fine!" Linghu Chong answered as he thrust his sword out in a crooked manner. The blade wobbled as it moved forward; there was no strength attached in the thrust at all.

"What kind of move is that?" Tian Boguang was bewildered.

Seeing Linghu Chong's sword getting closer, Tian Boguang was just about to fend it off using his knife when Linghu Chong suddenly pulled his right hand back and jabbed the sword toward an empty space. Then following the jab, Linghu Chong retracted the sword quickly. The sword handle almost struck his own chest when he flicked his wrist, which sent the sword handle to another empty space to his right. Tian Boguang was even more bewildered. He threw a gentle probing chop cautiously. Linghu Chong didn't even care to dodge and simply drove his sword tip toward his opponent's lower stomach in an angle.

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