Healing Part 4

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After some time had passed, someone came into the backyard and called out in a low voice, "Big apprentice brother? Big apprentice brother!" It was Lu Dayou.

Linghu Chong thought, "Monkey Six has always been the closest to me." He almost answered when he suddenly heard the bed-curtain shaking. It was Yilin trembling in fright when she heard somebody approaching. "If I answer Monkey Six," Linghu Chong thought, "I could really ruin the little Sister's reputation." So he kept his silence.

Lu Dayou walked past the window while calling "big apprentice brother, big apprentice brother" all the way. The calling receded further and further and finally faded into the night.

"Hey, Linghu Chong," Qu Feiyan suddenly broke the silence, "are you going to die?"

"How can I die? If I die, it would really hurt the reputation of the Heng-Shan Sword School, and I'd be letting them down!" Linghu Chong answered.

"How do you figure?" surprised, Qu Feiyan asked.

"I've had so much of that magical medicine of the Heng-Shan Sword School, both inside and outside. If I still can't be healed, I'd be letting...letting this Sister of the Heng-Shan Sword School down." Linghu Chong replied.

"Yep! If you died, you would really be letting her down!" Qu Feiyan grinned.

Knowing how seriously Linghu Chong had been wounded and seeing how he was still making jokes, Yilin admired his attitude and also felt a bit less stressful.

"Big brother Linghu, you've just taken a hit from Yu Canghai. Let me see your wounds again."

Linghu Chong struggled to sit up, but Qu Feiyan said, "Never mind your manners. Lie down." Linghu Chong felt so weak that he really could not sit up, so he lay back down.

Qu Feiyan lit a candle. Yilin could see blood all over Linghu Chong's robe, so she threw away all worry about propriety, gently lifted his long robe, and wiped off the blood around the wounds with a towel hanging by a rack. Taking the "Heavenly Connecting Glue" from her pocket, she applied all of the remainder onto Linghu Chong's wounds.

"What a waste to put so much precious medicine on me!" Linghu Chong laughed.

"Big brother Linghu," Yilin said, "you were badly wounded all because of me. This medicine is the least I can offer, even if...even if...." She did not know what to say, so just mumbled a little and then continued, "Even my respectful Master praised you as a young hero who is always ready to take on villains for a just cause. Because of that she even got into an argument with Master Yu."

"No need to praise me. As long as the respectful Sister doesn't scold me, I'd be completely thankful!" Linghu Chong grinned.

"Why would my Master scold you?" Yilin said. "Big brother Linghu, just rest quietly for twenty-four hours, and if your wounds don't break open again, you should be alright." She took out another three "White Cloud Bear Gallbladder Pills" and helped Linghu Chong to take them.

"Sis," Qu Feiyan said out of a sudden, "you stay here and be his company. Watch out for bad guys who want to get him. My grandpa is still waiting for me. I got to go."

"No! No!" Yilin cried in worry. "You cannot go. How can I stay here by myself?"

"Isn't Linghu Chong here too?" Qu Feiyan grinned. "You are not all by yourself?" She turned around and started heading out.

Yilin was greatly concerned. She jumped forth and gripped Qu's left arm. In her rush, she had used the holding technique of the Heng-Shan Sword School and grabbed her arm tightly.

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