Healing Part 2

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"He died because of me," Yilin said. "I really wish I was the one who died instead of him. If Buddha pities me, and lets me die in exchange for big brother Linghu's life, I...I...even if I had to fall all the way to the bottom of the eighteenth level of hell and never be reborn again,[3] I would not complain." Her voice was filled with sincerity as she said those words.

All of a sudden, the man on the bed let out a groan.

"He...he is awake. Qu, would you please ask him if he feels better?" Yilin said happily.

"Why do I have to be the one to ask? Don't you have a tongue of your own?" Qu Feiyan demanded.

Yilin walked to the bed after a slight hesitation, and with the curtain in between them, asked, "Sir, are you...?" Before she could finish, the man let out several more groans.

"He is in great pain right now, I shouldn't bother him," she thought, so she just stood there quietly. The man's breathing gradually fell into a slow rhythm. Apparently the medicine was doing its job, and he had fall asleep again.

"Sis," Qu Feiyan whispered, "why would you die for Linghu Chong? Do you really like him that much?"

"No, no! Miss Qu, I am a Buddhist nun. Please don't say such disrespectful words to the Buddha! Big brother Linghu and I had never met each other before, but he gave his life to save mine. I...I just feel I owe him so much!" Yilin said breathlessly.

"What if he was alive again? Would you be willing to do anything for him?"

"Yes, even if I had to die a thousand times for him, I would have no complaints."

Qu Feiyan suddenly raised her voice and said, "Big brother Linghu, listen up, sis Yilin said it herself...."

"Don't joke about it!" Yilin cut her off angrily.

Qu Feiyan simply ignored her and continued in a loud voice. "She said: if you are not dead, she would do anything for you."

From Qu's tone, Yilin could feel that she wasn't really joking. Her heart started pounding faster and faster, and she also began to get dizzy. She could only murmur, "You...you..." Within seconds, Qu Feiyan lit a candle. She opened the curtain and waved Yilin over with a big smile on her face. Yilin slowly walked to the bed full of dread. Suddenly, it seemed as if the entire world started swirling about her; she found herself falling down to the ground.

Qu Feiyan quickly caught her by the shoulder before she actually hit the floor.

"I know this is going to be a big surprise! Go ahead and see who he is!" she exclaimed.

"He...he...." Yilin's voice was so weak and she could hardly breathe. Although the man on the bed had his eyes shut tightly, with his thick eyebrows and thin lips on a long rectangular face, Yilin immediately recognized him. It was none other than the one who had fought at the Huiyan Wine House, Linghu Chong.

Yilin grabbed Qu Feiyan's arm tightly. "He...he is not dead?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"He is not dead yet, but if your medicine doesn't work, he'll die soon." Qu Feiyan smiled gently.

"He won't die, he definitely won't die! He...he is alive!" Filled with surprise and happiness, the emotions were just too much for Yilin so she started crying.

"Hey, he's not dead, what are you crying for?" Qu Feiyan asked curiously.

Yilin felt her legs were giving out on her, so she had to lean on the bed as she continued to shed more tears.

THE SMILING PROUD WANDERER by Jin Yongحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن