Chapter 46

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Jughead POV

A few hours later I was still in my army pants and dark green tshirt. I was sat on the floor with Matthew and I was playing with his building blocks why Betty was in the kitchen making us some coffee.

"Hey Matty you know you look cute in my beanie." I said chuckling and he smiled at me and put his hands on the beanie on his head.

"Dada." He said smiling.

"Yeah that's right Matty it's daddas hat." He said and he stood up and walked a few steps to me and then pulled the beanie off of his head and pulled it on mine then he plopped himself in my lap and he smiled at me and we where facing each other.

"I love you buddy." I said and I kissed his forehead head softly.

Then I started tickling his stomach and he started to giggle then fell backwards onto the floor.

"Carful Matty." I said chuckling and he kept giggling then I started to tickle him again and he started to giggle louder. Then Betty walked in and out walked in and she put my drink on the coffee table and she kissed my cheek and sat on the couch.

"Thanks Betts." I said and I stopped tickling Matthew. Then I sat next to Betty and Matthew stood up and climbed onto my lap and rested his head on my chest and I put one hand on his back and another on his head and I saw he started to fall asleep.

"He missed you." Betty whispered and she put her head on my shoulder.

"I missed him to and you." I said wrapping my arm round him and held both of them close to me.

"We need to think of names."

"Yeah we do. I can't wait to see our baby Betts." I whispered and kissed her head softly

Time skip~4 months.

I was sat on the couch with Betty and Matthew was sat on the floor. Then Betty yelped in pain and she bent over and held her stomach.

"Betts? You ok?"

"No juggie.......we need to got to the hospital.........I'm in labour." She said in between breaths.

"Ok ok ok."

"Jug." She said and she gripped my hand "Calm down.......just call someone I watch Matthew." She said breathing heavily.

"Ok. I'll call my dad." I called my dad and he came over and I got Betty into the jeep and I drove to the hospital. Betty kept hold of my hand and she would squeeze it everytime she'd have a contraction.

The next thing I remember was Betty had her legs where in the stirrups and she was squeezing my hand while I looked at her and she was screaming.

"Come on one more push. Come on!" The doctor shouted. Betty squeezed my hand and she pushed. Then she fell back on the pillow. I didn't hear a cry so I stood on my tiptoes and looked over and saw them suctioning his throat.

Then I looked down at Betty and saw the worry on her face and the tears in her eyes.

"Why isn't he crying Juggie?" She said and tears fell down her face I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped her tears away.

"He'll be ok." I said and a tear fell down my face. Then why we where looking into each other's eyes trying to find comfort somewhere a loud cry filled the room.

"There he is." I said chuckling and Betty smiled widely. Then the doctor walked round and handed Betty a little baby wrapped in a blanket.

"His air ways where blocked but we managed to get them cleared. He should be fine now." The doctor said and the nurse and doctor all left and I sat next to Betty and looked down at the tiny baby wrapped in a blanket in her arms.

"You want to hold him Jug?" She said smiling and I nodded and she placed him in my arms and then she rested her head on my shoulder.

"He's tiny." I said smiling he had Betty's blond hair and her green eyes apposed to Matthew who has my eyes and hair. I kissed his head softly as he stared to fall asleep. "He has your eyes and hair." I said softly and I turned to her and smiled softly.

"Well he has your nose." She said snuggling into me more.

"What should we name him?"

"Owen Pendleton Jones." She said smiling.

"I love it." I said and I kissed Betty softly.


Ok so I think the next chapter is going to be the last chapter. 😭😭😭 It's going to be a little bit of a time skip so I hope you'll enjoy it it will be realised maybe this weekend.

Hope your enjoying the book.

- L

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