Chapter 43

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Betty POV

After dropping Jughead off I went home and fed Matthew and then put him down for his nap I put Jugheads beanie on the army Teddy on his shelf above his crib. Then I remember jughead said something about a metal green box that would help me not be so scared about everything. So I walked into mine and Jugheads bedroom and went over to his side of the bed and opened the cabinet thing at the bottom of his night stand and found the green amo box. I took it out and sat in the bed. I opened the box and took all the stuff out and put it on the bed.

There was a few things in envelopes and a few papers I picked one up and read it.

The will of Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Third.....

I put that paper back down and picked up a few envelopes and there was 3 envelopes one had my name on another had Matthew's name on and one had Jellybeans name on. I opened the envelope with my name on and put the others down. I pulled the stuff out off the envelope there was a letter and there was a dvd. I opened the letter and started to read it.

Hey Betts.

If your reading this letter it's one of three things. One you just found the box two I told you about the box and three something bad happened to me and you found this box. I'm hoping it's one of the first two. If it's the last one I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I broke my promise love. I'm sorry. I promised you I'd come back and I didn't I'm so sorry. I know I should have stayed away from you but I couldn't.

I loved you Betts more then anything and I loved Matthew as well you two where the best things that ever happened to me. So in the box there is all the stuff you'll need for my bank, pension and my life insurance.

Betty if I'm gone. Move on. Please. I know you loved me or you'd probably never have married or had Matthew with me. So please when your ready move on. I don't want you to be alone. I want you to find someone who will love you as much as I did. I just want you to do one thing. I want Matthew to know I'm his dad. I don't want you to tell him someone else is his father. But it's up to you I'm not here to tell you what to do so it's up to you. I love you Betty. You'll always be my love. Xxxx

P.S. The dvd is just me saying similar stuff. You don't have to watch it until your ready. Xxx

I put the letter down and whipped my eyes as a few tears fell down my face from reading the letter. I put it back in the envelope and I couldn't bring myself to watch the video so I put the dvd back in the envelope and I put the envelope back in the box along with the one for JB and Matthew. Then I looked threw the other stuff out the box and there was paper from his bank so I can access and there was papers for his life insurance and other stuff that I might need if he dies. There was also a pair of his dog tags. I put everything a knock in the box and I'm not going to lie it did make me feel a bit better knowing if anything bad happens I had a bit of closure. I put everything back in the box and put it back where it was.

Then I walked out off the bed room and shut the door. I walked out into the living room and there was a knock on the front door. Even though Jugheads only been gone for maybe an hour I still felt panic build up. I walked over to the door and opened it and saw Kevin. I let out a breath and smiled at him.

"Hey Kev. What's up?"

"Just thought I'd drop in and thought we could watch some movies and eat some junk food."

"Not to be rude but why?"

"Well Jughead left today didn't he?"

"Yeah about an hour ago or so."

"So can I come in or are you going to leave me out here?" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah sorry come in." I said chuckling and letting him in. Then he walked over and sat on the couch and Kevin looked around.

"Where's...." before he could finish Matthew started to cry. "Never mind there he is." He said chuckling I walked into Matthew's room and saw him stood in his crib holding onto the side crying. He looked at me and kept crying. I walked over to him and picked him up and he called down and he had the hiccups so I rubbed his back as he put his head on my shoulder.

"It's ok. Come on should be get you some food?"

"Food!" He said and I smiled and carried him into the kitchen and I sat him in his high chair and put a bib on him then I opened a jar of mashed bananas (currently his favourite food.) and I started to spoon feed him. Then Kevin walked in and opened a cupboard took out some microwave popcorn and put it in the microwave.

"Hey Matty." Kevin said and he stood next to his high chair.

"Food!" Matthew shouted and he threw his arms up.

"When did he say his first word!" Kevin said exactly.

"Before when I dropped Jug off. He was so proud." I said chuckling remembering Jugheads face when Matthew said food.

"He'll be ok. I can help if you need help with this little one." Kevin said smiling. "Do you think it'll be hard looking after him again on your own now your used to Jughead helping?"

"I think it might be. Jug usually gets up with him in the morning and when I'm at work so I need to find out what to do with him when I'm at work."

"You can bring him you know. Me and Ronnie can help. All I really do is sit in my office and every so often do orders so you can bring some of his toys and I can play with him in my office why you work and you can come in and stuff."

"Really Kev? You and Ronnie would do that?"

"Of course."

"Anyway to answer your question yes I think I can managed till Jug gets back I just hope he doesn't have to leave again when the second one comes." I said getting a spoon of mashed banana and then feeding it to Matthew.

"Your pregnant?!"


"When did you find out?"

"The day before Jughead left. I realised I'd missed a period so I took a test and it was positive. I've got an appointment tomorrow to confirm it and check everything."

"Dose Jughead know?"


"Why doesn't he know? Oh my god! Is it not his?!"

"What! No it's his it's just last time I was pregnant he didn't want to leave and it was hard on him and he blamed and hated himself and I don't want him to do that again."

"Well congratulations. I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew." He said smiling.

"Thanks Kev."

"Food!" Matthew shouted and I chuckled and started to feed him again.

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