Chapter 27

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Betty POV

"We're here about Jughead Jones....." I wanted to cry as a million thoughts ran threw my head. Was he ok? What happened? Will I ever see him again. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Is he...he ok. Please tell me he's ok." I said about to cry

"Some land minds went off and he was injured. He was flown out a couple hours ago so he's in the hospital here. We went to see his farther and hr said he's going to the hospital and he suggested we came here and escorted you to the hospital."

"How...How injured is he?"

"We don't know we're only here to take you to the hospital."

"Ok. One second." I said I turned and walked back into the house I quickly told Veronica what was happening and she agreed to look after Matthew for a while why I went to the hospital I went back out of the house and got into the jeep. Once I was there I walked into the hospital I saw FP sat down I walked over to them and FP stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"Where's Gladys?" I said pulling out of the hug

"She's our of town with work I called her and she's getting a flight tomorrow back here."

"Do you know how he is?"

"No. Not yet we were just told to wait." I sat down on the chairs next him and just waited.

A couple minutes later a doctor came out.

"Anyone here to see Jughead Jones?" She said and we both stood up

"Ye were here for him." Then the doctor started to talk.

"So we got Jughead in his room once he was flown back he's well there wasn't a lot more we could do for him about his legs."

"Wait slow down his legs? What happened to his legs?"

"He lost both of his legs from above the knees." The rest was kind of a blur for me I didn't really pay attention to the rest of what he was saying the next thing I know was I walked into a hospital room with FP behind me.

I walked in and saw Jughead laying on a hospital bed slightly sat up with a tube in his mouth with an IV in his arm and a few other monitors and mechanics attached to him. He had a blanket that was pulled up to his waist you could see were the rest of his legs should be but his legs stopped just above the knees so they were more like stumps. I felt tears begging to form in my eyes again. I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards him once I was close to ran my fingers threw his hair and pushed the fallen hair out of his face I leaned down and kissed his forehead softly and then took one of his hands and sat down in the chair next to him.

"I'm going to get a drink from the vending machine. Do you want anything Betty?"

"Just water please." I said and he left.

A few minutes later Jughead started to move so I looked up and saw him open his eyes I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"Hi Juggie." I said softly I saw him trying to speak but I knew he couldn't because of the tube in his mouth. "Jug don't. You can't talk." I said giving his hand a squeeze he lifted his other hand and did a writing motion "you want to write something?" I said looking at him and he nodded slightly "ok." I said smiling I let go of his hand and stood up and walked over to the side we're there was a yellow legal pad and a pen. I walked back to Jughead I gave him the pen and I held the pad for him so he could write.

Are you ok? He wrote

"Your laying in hospital and your asking if I'm ok?" I said chuckling and he nodded "I'm fine Jug. Do you know what happened to you Jug?" I said trying not to cry. And he just nodded.

"When did it happen Jug?"

3 days he wrote down then he wrote Where's Matty?

"He's with Veronica I'll bring him later." I said smiling a tear slid down my face "I love you Jug." I said and another tear slid down my face.

I love you too he wrote I put the note pad down and stood up I kissed his forehead and wiped my tears away.

"You dads here he should be back soon. I'm going to go get a nurse." I said standing up and walk out of the room I went and told a nurse then I went to the toilet once I'd finished in the bathroom I went back into Jugheads room and saw him sitting up without the tube in his mouth and a few less monitors. I walked closer to him and smiled at him.

"Hey Betts my dad came in and said he went to go talk to JB." He said smiling and I sat down on his bed facing him "Ok."

I leaned in and kissed him passionately when I pulled away I rested my forehead on his.


"Hi there."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Are you ok."

"Ye but Betty?"


"Your sitting on my legs." He said chuckling I looked down and saw the joke he was making then I looked back up at him and laughed.

"What happened?" I said softly to him and I held his hand

"I'll tell you tomorrow I'm kind of tired right now." He said closing his eyes

"Ok. Night Jug." I said smiling.

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