Chapter 30

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Betty POV~Time Skip a few weeks

Jughead gets to come home today and I'm excited to say the least. Polly was going home once me and Jughead got back home she's been a great help. I brought a pair of basketball shorts some underwear and a tshirt for him to change into I walked into Jugheads hospital room and saw him still asleep I put the folded clothes on the side and walked over to him and shook him gently.

"Juggie wake up." I said softly and his eyes opened slowly and he smiled at me.

"Morning Betts." He said in a sleepy voice I kissed him softly

"You get to come home today." I said smiling and he smiled back. "I brought you some cloths to get changed into." I said sitting on the chair next to his bed.

"Mmm." He said groaning and he sat up

"I signed the papers so when your changed we just need to call a nurse and they'll get a wheelchair."

"Ok. Can you pass my the clothes please." I stood up and walked over to the side and picked up the clothes and these sock things the hospital gave him they basically go over his stumps and covers them. I walked back to the bed and handed them to him he smiled at me and as I was about to sit down Jughead grabbed my hand and pulled me to him so I was stood next to the bed

"Jug!" I said giggling

"Come here." He said pulling me down to him and he crashed his lips onto mine and continued to kiss me passionately. After a few minutes of making out I pulled away.

"Jug you should get changed so we can go home and let Polly get on her flight home. Let me know if you need help." I said smiling

"Ok." He said and I sat on the chair next to his bed.

Jughead sat up and took of his gown I noticed he still has his dog tags on and I smiled a little then he pulled on his boxers on by leaning on one side of his body and pulling them up then leaning on the other side and lifting them up then he put his socks things on then he put his shorts on the same was as the boxers and finally he pulled on his tshirt. He let out a breath and then turned and smiled at me I smiled back then pressed the button to call a nurse. A few minutes later a nurse came in pushing a wheelchair chair.

"Do you need help or are you two ok?"

"I can do it it's fine. Thank you thought." Jughead said the nurse nodded and walked out of the room. I pushed the wheelchair close to the bed and Jughead transferred from the bed into the chair he groaned as he did.

"You ok?" I said as he sat up properly in the chair.

"Ye I'm fine. Let's go." He said smiling I stood behind the chair and then started to push him out of the hospital towards the car. Once we were there car I opened the door and pushed the chair as close as it could and put the brakes on.

"You sure you don't need any help Jug?"

"No it's ok I got this." He said transferring from the chair to the passenger seat once he was in he got comfortable and then put his seatbelt on then he looked up at me and I was smiling at him.

"What?" He said smiling at me

"Nothing." I said giggling then I folded the chair and walked round to the trunk and put the folded wheelchair in Why Jughead shut the passenger door. I walked round and got in the drivers seat and drove home.

Once we got back i got Jugheads wheelchair out of the back Jughead got in it and I pushed him into the house. When we got in I saw Matthew sat up in the middle of the living room with Polly sat on the couch watching him. I let go of the wheelchair and Jughead put his hand on the wheels and pushed the chair himself he wheeled over to the couch and then he transferred from the chair to the couch then he sat on the floor and lay on his side and started to play with Matthew with his dinosaurs. Polly left a little later and I started to make me and Jug some lunch.

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