Chapter 14

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Betty POV

I was sat on the inside of the booth near the window I had my head rested on Jugheads shoulder and I started to drift of then Jughead said "Betty I'm just going to the toilet." And he got up and I looked out of the window then I heard Jughead shout "Andrews?!" Then I looked up and saw Archie limping in "Jones?!" Archie said and they walked over to each other and did a man hug.

"Betty! Hey! Jones I'll talk to you later." Jughead nodded and walked into the bathroom and Archie walked over to me and I stood up and gave him a hug then we sat down across from each other.

"How've you been?"

"Good. How are you? How's the leg?"

"It's ok. I got a new prosthetic so that's good." Archie was in the army with Chic and lost his leg when he was shot repeatedly in his left leg. He was trying to pull Chic away from behind a wall where he was leaning on why he was sat on the floor.

"How your dad?"

"He's good he's happy I'm home. Although I do like living in Arizona."

"That's good."

"What's new in your life?"

Before I could say anything else Jughead came and sat next to me.

"Oh hey Jughead. Jughead this is Betty. Betty this is Jughead."

"I know Arch." He just looked at me and Jughead a little confused then Jughead turned to me and placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a long passionate kiss when we pull away Jughead put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on him and he rested his head on mine.

"You two are?...."


"How long?"

"One month."

"That's amazing guys I'm glad your both happy." He said smiling

"Thanks man."

"So how do you two know each other?" I said looking from Archie to Jughead.

"Afghanistan." "Afghanistan" they both said in unison

"Archie's troop was joined with my troop on like my second tour?"

"Ye. This was before Chic joined my troop." Archie said

We sat in pop's for a couple hours we ate some food and drank some milkshakes then we all decided to leave so as we got up we split the bill. Well more Archie payed a third and Jughead paid for 2 thirds because he wouldn't let me pay. As we walked out of pop's Archie said "Hey I'm having like a Christmas party thing tomorrow at my dads place if you want to come?"

"Ye sure well see you tomorrow Arch." I said smiling and Archie got into his car and drove away and me and Jughead walked home.

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