Chapter 22

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Jughead POV

Time with Betty has gone fast I ship out in 2 months so Betty has temporarily moved in with me. Basically she's staying with me and Fangs for a while till I leave. We've been great I mean that was until yesterday. She packed. A bag of her essentials in and said she needed some space. I have no idea why but I've tried calling and texting but she wouldn't respond. I was getting really worried I grabbed my jacket and left my apartment and walked to Betty, Veronica and Kevin's apartment and knocked on the door. A few seconds later Veronica opens the door."

"Jughead? What are you doing here I thought Betty told you are needed some time?"

"She did but I'm worried where is she?"

"Jughead it doesn't matter just leave."

"She's in her room isn't she?"

"Jughead just go back home." She said but I gently pushed past her and knocked on Betty's door

"Hello?" I heard Betty say softly

"Baby. It's me can I come in?"

"Jug? I....I.."

"I'm coming in." I said pushing the door open and walking in I shut the door behind me and saw Betty laying on her bed in a pair of pyjama shorts and a one of Chics old hoodie.


"Hi." She said looking up at me and I saw her eyes were red and puffy I sat down on the bed next to her.

"Betts? What happened? Why are you upset?"

"I'm....I'm sorry Juggie." She said starting to cry I instantly pulled her into a hug.

"Why are you sorry? What happened? Betty please tell me."

"I.....I have something to tell you." She said looking up at me

"Ok. You can tell me anything."

"Juggie.....I'm.....I'm p..pregnant. I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I I didn't mean to get pregnant." She said starting to sob again I pulled her into a hug.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath and I let out a sigh

"Is that why you came back to your place? How far along are you?"

" weeks." She said still crying

"When did you find out?"

"3 days ago." She said starting to calm down a little.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I said still hugging her

"I....I didn't want you to leave me." She said starting to cry again and I pulled away and looked at her

"Why would I leave you?" I said placing my hand on her cheek and caressing it.

" said you didn't want I'm pregnant and it's all my fault. I'm sorry Jug. I am so so so sorry." She said starting to cry and she looked down

"Betty......Betts look at me." I said and she looked up and into my eyes "I didn't mean it like that I wanted to have kids but when I got out the army. Because I want to be there for you when you give birth. I want to see out baby open its eyes for the first time I want to hear it cry for the first time. I want to be able do all that but I can't not why I'm in the army so that's why I didn't want kids yet but Betts. If your pregnant I couldn't be happier I could never leave you. Plus I think it's my fault so don't be sorry. I'm happy." I said smiling she smiled at me

"Your happy?"

"More then I've ever been." I said leaning in and kissing her softly and then resting our heads together.

"So your not leaving me?" She said looking into my eyes why we have our heads rested together.

"No. It looks like your my stuck with me now."

I lay down on her bed and she lay next to me on my bicep and I placed my hand on her stomach and a smile must have appeared on my face because Betty said "Jug why are you smiling like that?"

"Nothing it's there really a baby in there?" I said rubbing her stomach with my hand.

"Ye. On sec I've got something." She said standing up and walking over to her coat and she pulling out a pice of paper then walked back over to the bed and lay back in my bicep and she had me the pice of paper and I looked down and saw what it was. A ultrasound. I studied the picture and looked at the little bean shape in the middle and smiled. There was two things written on it with arrows in red pen. Brain and arm. My smile widened.

          ^^The scan^^

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^^The scan^^

"This is our baby?" I said unable to control my smile

"Ye." I put the pice of paper down and hugged Betty tightly

"Is it healthy? Dose everything look good?"

"Ye the Doctor said it looks great."

"When do we find out the gender? Will I be here for that?"

"5 months so I don't think so. But I still have my monthly appointments and you can come to them if you want?"

"Of course I will." I smiled and kissed her softly then we watched some TV before going back to my apartment.

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