Chapter 38

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Betty POV

I was sat on the couch and I was waiting for Jughead to come back. If fed Matthew before and I played with him for about 2 hours before I put him back down to sleep.

The door opened and Jughead walked in I stood up and ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. I know it wasn't his fault last night I was in shock and I was kind of scared. He hesitantly hugged me back. I stayed like that in his embrace for a long time until I pulled away and kissed him softly and saw tears in his eyes and I noticed he wasn't looking in my eyes he was looking at my neck. I reached up and tilted it so he was looking at me.

"It's not your fault Juggie."

"It was it was my hands that where round your neck. I could have killed you Betts."

"You didn't."

"But I could have."



"I love you."


"It's easy I look at you and see the great amazing person you are then I look at out beautiful little son and that you've known him a few days and your already an amazing dad and I know you'll just keep becoming better. Jug we're getting married in 4 months we got engaged after dating for 5 months because we knew it was right. So it not hard for me to love you and sadly your stuck with me." I said kissing him softly.

"I'm still sorry."

"I know you are."

"I want to tell you this......this isn't the first time this has happened that I've done this. Hurt someone why I was asleep. I did it to my dad once and to Fangs."

"Ok. I can help you this Jug."

"I know that's because your amazing. I uh spoke to my dad. I think I'm going to start seeing a therapists because I don't want this to happen again. I don't want to hurt you I've never wanted that and I'm really sorry that I did."

"I know you are." I said and I kissed him softly and hugged him again and he buried his head into my neck.

"I love you too." He said into my neck I chuckled and he pulled away we went and sat on the couch and Jughead placed his head on my lap and I took his beanie off and ran my fingers gently threw his hair as we watched TV.


I'm thinking about the next chapter being the wedding chapter. What do you guys think?

- L

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