Chapter 34

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Jughead POV

I was sat next to Betty in her hospital bed with my arms wrapped round her.

"You smell like sand." She whispered.

"Well believe it or not these are my clean clothes." I said chuckling.


"Yes Betty?"

"Is Polly coming with dad?"

"Yes there on there way."

"Are they bringing Matthew?"

"Yes." Alice said and Betty hugged me more.

"Are you ready to meet your son Juggie?"

"I've been ready since you told me you were pregnant." I said looking down at her as she looked up at me I kissed her softly I look my jacket of then she placed her head back in my side.

A few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door. Betty sat up probably and so did I. Then Hal and Polly walked in and Polly was holding a baby who I'm guessing is Matthew.

"Betty!" Polly shouted and she walked over to Betty and hugged her. Then she put the baby on Betty's lap as I stared down in awe at the him.

"Betty were going to go down to the cafeteria and get some food and leave you and Jughead alone for a minute." She said standing up

"Ok." Betty said and then Polly, Hal and Alice all left the room.

"Jughead meet Matthew Pendleton Jones. Your son." She said smiling I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at him he reminded me of Betty he had her nose and some of her other facial features. She moved him from her lap into mine and held him under his arms why he sat on my lap.

"Hey Matthew. Your adorable." I said un able to control my smile then I looked at Betty "Wwhat do I do now." I said not wanting to do something to hurt him.

"He's not a pice of thin glass you can play with him and talk to him." She said then she reached forward and grabbed his dipper bag and pulled out a little stuffed giraffe and handed it to me. I took the giraffe and gently booped Matthew on the nose and he giggled and I smiled even more. Then he reached up and started to pull on my hat. I took it of and put it on his head and he looked up at me and gave me a gummy smile.

"Now you look cooler." I said smiling and he put his hands on the hat and smiled more I leaned forward and kissed his forehead softly. Then I turned him round so his back was against my chest and he picked up my hands and played with my fingers.

"He likes you." Betty said resting his head on my shoulder.

"Well I like him. But still think we should have got a puppy instead." I said jokingly and she pushed my arm and giggled. "No I'm joking I think he's amazing." I said kissing her head. A few minutes later I noticed Matthew had stopped moving so I moved him so he was laying on my arm and I saw he was fast asleep I smiled at him and took my cap of him and put it back on my head backwards I then looked back at Betty and saw she was asleep as well I slowly got off of the bed then I lay it down and covered Betty with the blanket. I sat on the chair next to her bed and held Matthew so his head was on my shoulder and one of my hands was on his back and the others was on his but. I sat back in the chair and started to drift off to sleep.

I have know idea how long it was but I felt someone shake my shoulder (The one Matthew wasn't laying on) I opened my eyes and saw Betty stood in her normal clothes I looked down and saw I was still holding Matthew and he was fast asleep. I looked back up at Betty and smiled.

"It's time to wake up sleepy head I can go home."

"What time is it?" I said sitting up properly.

"6: 27pm."

"I've been asleep for like four hours why didn't you wake me." I said rubbing my eye.

"You looked peaceful."

"Where did you get the clothes?" I said standing up.

"My mom brought them after the doctor came in and checked everything and said I could go home and I sighed the discharge papers. Also my mom put your bag in the Jeep." She said and I wrapped my arm round her shoulders.

"Let's go home are we getting home?"

"My dad brought the jeep."

"I thought.....?"

"No that was my car that's what the baby seats in." I pulled her closer to my side and I kissed her forehead softly.

"I'm glad your ok now."

"Me too." She said smiling then we walked out and Betty got in the passenger seat and I went to the back and put Matthew in his car seat and then tried to buckle it but I couldn't do then I heard a giggle come from the front seat I looked up and saw Betty looking at me and I smiled at her.

"I uh have no idea what to do."

"Ok put his arms in there like you've done then put those two together then put them both in that together." She said pointing to the parts I did what she said and it clicked shut. "Good now just pull on both them straps to tighten it but not to tight." She said I did what she said then looked up at her for reassurance.

"Is that ok? It won't hurt him?"

"No that won't hurt him. And it looks fine." She said smiling I nodded and put his little giraffe next to him and then shut the door. Then got into the drivers side and got Betty to direct me home because she bought a bungalow that I haven't seen yet.

Once we got there I pulled up into the driveway the bungalow was only like 5 blocks from my parents. We got out and I took my bag out of the back of the car and Betty got Matthew out of the car and we walked in.

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