Chapter 23

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Betty POV~Time Skip 2 months

Today was the day. Jughead was going back to Afghanistan. I was dreading it. Jug has been to the two appointments Ive had about the baby and we're both really happy. We've both told our family's about the baby Jughead's family are happy and so are mine I mean my mom was a little sceptical but now she's on board. Jughead said bye to his family yesterday so we spent the hole day together watching movies and lounging around and we had a very......let's say passionate night. Just before I was about to drift off to sleep I looked up at Jughead who was sleepily smiling with his eyes closed I rested my head on his chest.

"Betts." He said in a sleepy voice I looked back up at him.

"Ye Juggie."

"Marry me." I looked at him a little stunned



"I think your a sleep. You won't remember this in the morning." I gave him a soft kiss "go to sleep." I said as. He closed his eyes then I rested my head on his chest again

I woke up with Jughead spooning me and looked at the clock on the night stand 5:24am. I turned in Jugheads arms so I was against his chest. I looked up at his face and saw he was still sound asleep his hair was all messy and in his face and he had a slight smile on him. I reached up and brushed the hair out of his face and his eyes fluttered open.


"Morning." I said giving him a peak on the lips. He went to get out of bed.

"Noooo." I whined "This is the last time I'll be able to snuggle with you. 5 more minutes. Please?" I said giving him puppy dog eyes he smiled at me and got back under the covers with me we snuggled under the covers in silence for a 3 minutes till out of nowhere Jughead said "I don't want to go."

"I know you don't Jug. But you have to."

"What if something happens?"

"Jug you'll...." be cut me off before I could finish

"Not to me. To the baby. What if something happens and I'm not here to help you or here to support you." He said and I saw tears start to form in his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped the tear away that had fallen.

"Jug. The baby's fine." I took his hand and placed it on my stomach. "The baby's going to be fine I promise. The baby is gone be fine you don't have to worry. Ok?"




"Do you remember what you said last night"

"Your going to have to be more specific."

" know what it doesn't matter." I lay my head back on his chest and he ran his hand up and down my arm.

"Did you think of an answer to my question I asked you last night?" I took my head off of his chest and looked at him and he was smirking.

"You ass. You remembered." I said playfully slapping his chest.

"Ye. I wasn't asleep. Yet. I just.....I've seen people in my troop and just in the war in general who are dating someone some even have a kid on there way like us and then a week or even a couple days before there supposed to come back they'll get a letter from the person there dating telling them they can't do it anymore or they met someone new or can't do long distance. I.......I don't want that to happen to us and I love you with all my heart and I want to marry you." He said then he leaned over to his nightstand on his side and pulled out a black velvet box and he opened it and placed it in between us. "So Betts. Will you marry me?"

"Yes. I love you Juggie!" I said pulling him into a passionate kiss. I pulled away and he put the ring on my finger and we lay there for a few more minutes.

 I pulled away and he put the ring on my finger and we lay there for a few more minutes

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^^The Ring^^

After a few minutes I got up with Jug and made some breakfast and we ate together then I went and got dressed then I went and sat in the living room and waited for Jug to finish getting ready. When he came out of the bedroom he had his military uniform on he didn't have his beanie on and it was just his cap and he was trying to put his watch on I stood up and walked over to him and helped him put his watch on the I stood back and looked at him.

"How do I look?"

"You look great Juggie." I said as be smoothed down his clothes

"Thanks Betts." He said smiling I kissed him. He grabbed his backpack full of stuff and we left the apartment holding hands. Jughead drove the truck to the army centre where there were quite a few soldiers outside saying bye to there family's. We got out of the truck and walked to the side work we're there we're other soldiers and Jughead put his back pack down so it was against a wall then he turned to me and kneeled down so he was level my stomach he place both hands on the side of my stomach and pulled his face to it so his nose was just touching my stomach.

"Hey little bean. I have to go away for a little while but I'll see you as soon as I can. I love you and you have to be good for mommy till I see you again." He said then he kissed my stomach over my tshirt and stood up and pulled me into a hug and I began sobbed on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I can't stay. I....I really want to you you you have to believe me." He said stuttering and he starting to let tears fall down his face.

"I know Jug. It's ok I don't blame you it's ok." I said wiping his tears away. We stood there for a little while just hugging and staying in each others embrace. Then someone blew a whistle "Troop 738 on the bus! Let's go!" The guy shouted and people started to move. Jughead pulled me into a long passionate kiss and when we pulled away he rested our foreheads together.

"I'll write you a letter when we get settled in camp. Could....Could you send me the latest ultrasound when you have another on and tell me the gender is when you find out?"

"Of course I will." He kissed me again and then he pulled away and picked his bag up and started to walk towards the bus I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me.

"Don't lose your watch Juggie I know what you like." I said then I started to hug him.

"I won't. I'll see you in 8 months. I love you so much Betts."

"I love you too Juggie." I said he gave me a peck on the lips and he got on the bus and a few others got on after him and Jughead waved to me as the bus drove away. I just hope he's safe.

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