Chapter 26

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Betty POV

Jughead is supposed to come back tomorrow and I can't wait to see him and for him to meet Matthew he's 3 months old now. I bought a bungalow for me Jug and Matty with the money I've been saving for quite awhile now.

I woke up like any other day and got up dressed and ate some cereal then when I was done Matthew started to cry I walked into his room and picked him up.

"Morning Matty. Are you excited tomorrow you get to meet your daddy." I said bouncing him up and down I took him into the kitchen and got a bottle out of the fridge then I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and started to feed him. Then I got him changed and then I put him in his car seat and got into the jeep and drove to the store.

After shopping with Matthew I went back home put the stuff I bought away them Ronnie came over. We were sat on the couch why Matthew was lay on his stomach playing on his play mat.

"So are you excited to see Jughead?" She said sipping her coffee

"Ye. I'm really excited and I can't wait for him to meet Matthew."

"Awww. It's going to be adorable when he sees him your going to have to take pictures."

"I will I just...uuhhh I want it to be tomorrow already."

Me and Ronnie sat and talked for a few hours till I saw something out of the window. A jeep. It pulled up outside the house then two people got out and I just froze and looked at the two people who had just got out of the jeep. They were both wearing military uniform. My breathing started to become erratic there was a knock on the door and I stood up and went over to the door and opened it and saw the two military officers stood there.

"We're looking for Betty. Betty Cooper dose she live here?" One of them said

"Ye. That's me." I said trying no to cry.

"We're here about Jughead Jones....."

To be continued......


I'm sorry this is short.

Also I finished school yesterday so that's why I'm updating this story more.

Hope you enjoying this book so far! 🎉

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