Chapter 44

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Jughead POV

I was at a different base this time it's in Iraq but it was in the same lay out and I was still in a tent with Sweet-Pea. So I grabbed my bag and slung my rifle over my shoulder and I walked to my tent. I walked past the line of humvee and I saw a few people reloading the top guns.

"Hey Jones!!" Someone shouted I looked around and saw someone climb off of the humvee and jog over to me.

"Jackson! Hey!!" I said and he gave me a bro hug.

"How you doing dude I haven't seen you since like what your third tour?"

"Yeah it's been along time. Where's Sammy?" Sammy and Jackson are twins and are always in the same group.

"Working out. We're going threw the city in 2 hours you and Sweets are with us along with Danielle." Sammy drives the humvee Jackson is top gun Danielle sits up front and looks for bombs and she's also always with them they all grew up together me and Sweet-Pea sit in the back and are kind of security thing.

"Ok I'm heading to the tent know anyway. So how've you been?"

"Good. Got shot in the leg on like my 3 tour. It's fine now but apart from that everything's the same oh Sammy why we where on leave got a girlfriend and they had a baby girl. Her names Emily and she's 2. Anytime new with you?"

"Well actually a lot." I said chuckling and I took the picture out of my pockets and handed them to him he looked at them and smiled and after he's looked at them he handed them me back.

"What are there names?"

"Betty and Matthew is our son he's 9 months old. Said his first word when I was getting on the bus and took his first steps two days before." I said smiling at the memory's.

"What was his first word?"

"Food." I said chuckling and he laughed.

"That's amazing. Jones's are always thinking of there stomachs." He said chuckling.

"I'm going to go unpack and get ready then." I said patting him on the back and walking to the tent. I walked in and saw Sweet-Pea sat on his bed. I threw my bag on my bed and put my rifle next to my bed.

"Hey." He said sitting up.


"Don't What?"

"Talk to me. I'm mad at you."

"What why?"

"You tried to bring up the deployment at my wedding! Then you called me at home!"

"You were supposed to leave in two days and you hadn't told her!"

"So! That was my decision! You know what you did Sweet-Pea! You ruined my sons fucking first steps!"


"When you called Matthew had just taken his first steps. Then you called. Betty questioned me and I told her then we argued and she cried. So thank you Sweet-Pea every time I think of my son taking his first steps I think of Betts crying and us arguing!"

"Dude I'm sorry I didn't know that I did that. I'm so sorry."

"Of course you didn't know because you where to busy pressuring me to tell Betty something I was going to tell her that night!"

"One punches anywhere you want."

"Make it two and I'll think about forgiving you."

"Fine." He stood up and put his arms behind his back. I punched him in the stomach then in the face then he groaned and hunched over. I then turned around and unpacked my stuff. I took the picture out of my pocket and took the photo frames out of the metal storage chest at the end of my bed and put the photos in them. I already miss Betty and Matthew.

Betty POV

It was the middle of the night and I woke up to Matthew crying. I got up and walked into his room and picked him up.

"Hey it's ok. It's ok." I said gently swaying with him. But he didn't calm down I changed his dipper. Nothing. Tried to feed him. Nothing. I tried giving him a drink. But he just kept crying. I tried rocking him but he kept crying.

"Matty whats wrong."

"Foood." He said crying.

"You won't eat. Come on Matty what is it." I said walking into his room and stood in his room and swayed and tried calming him down.

"Fffoood." He said still crying.

"Matty come on I've tried everything. How dose Jug get you to sleep?" I said still trying to get him to calm down. Then it popped into my head. Jughead. He usually looks after Matthew why I'm at work and he gets up with him even though I tell him he doesn't have to. I walked over to Matthew's shelf and took the army teddy bear with Jugheads beanie on and handed it to Matthew. He hugged it and started to calm down I gave him his pacifier and he rested his head on my shoulder and I walked into mine and Jugheads bedroom. I climbed into bed and sat up and held Matthew to my chest why he snuggling into the teddy.

"You just miss daddy don't you." I said as I rubbed his back and he started to fall asleep. "I miss him to Matty. But he promised he'd come back." I said and I kissed his forehead and I lay down with him laying on my chest still snuggling the teddy.

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