Chapter 25

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The Letters

Dear, Betts

I miss you so fucking much it's unbelievable. I hope you and the baby are well. Every time I think about you (which is most of the time) I can't stop smiling. I just really miss you. I was thinking the other day I'll never be able to see you with you pregnant belly. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes hoping to see you in my arms but your not there. I hope your not lonely and Kevin and Veronica and looking after you. I'll see you soon. I love you.

Love Juggie. Xxxxxx

One month later.

Dear, Juggie

I found out the gender of our baby today! I wished you were there with me and holding my hand. It's a boy! I wish you could hear his heart beat like I did it's weird to think I'm caring another human around in me. I'm finally starting to show more and my belly's getting rounder. I miss you so much it's hard to explain it I can't wait till your back. We need to think of names I'll let you decide because it's a boy and you said if it was a girl you wanted me to choose the name so it's a boy and I want you to choose his name. I love you so much and I hope your ok.

Love Betts. Xxxxxxx

There was the newest ultrasound and a picture of Betty standing in front of a mirror with her stomach exposed that was starting to get bigger.

Dear, Betts

I can't believe we're having a baby boy! I'm not 100% sure on a name yet but maybe by the end of the letter I've thought of the right one. Anyway things here are the same as always kinda boring and repetitive. I hope you and our little man are ok and he's healthy and I hope your doing ok and are taking care of yourself properly. Anyway I'm going to be late for patrol if I keep writing so I love you and our little boy I'll hopefully see you soon.

Love, Juggie Xxxxxx

P.S I think we should call him Matthew Pendleton Jones. Xxxx

Approximately 4 months later Jughead POV.

Today is the best day of the week. Mail day. I was sat in my tent when Sweet-Pea came in carrying a box.

"What's in the box Sweet-Pea?"

"I don't know what is in the box Jughead?" He said handing the box to me. "It's addressed to you."

I looked down at the box and took my knife out my pocket and cut it open when I opened it there were two envelopes one said Letter and on said photos. I opened the letter one and read it it said.

Dear, Juggie

I don't know we're to start this letter but.....Your officially a dad! I gave birth to Matthew a couple days ago. He's great he's a happy health baby. I can't wait for you to see him. I know you wanted to be there for the birth so I got Kevin to film it because I knew I couldn't do it alone Veronica and Kevin were there with me. I love you so so much and I'm so happy at the moment the dvd in the box is the video you can watch it if you want but you don't have to if you want to wait. I'll see you very soon.

Love Betts and Matthew. Xxxxxx

A tear rolled down my cheek as I read the letter and smiled like a idiot I picked up the dvd and picked up Sweet-Peas travel dvd player I picked up the headphones and put them on and put the dvd in and pressed play.

When it came on it was Betty laying on a hospital bed holding Veronica's hand she had her legs on stirrups and she was screaming.

"One last push now Betty!" The doctor shouted then Betty screamed and I could She she was pushing then out of knower a little cry filled the room and Betty fell back on the pillow and took her legs of the stirrups and lay there breathing heavily then a doctor walked round and placed the baby wrapped in a blanket on Betty's chest.

"Hey Matthew. Welcome to the world." Betty said softly rocking him then she looked up at the camera and smiled "Hi Juggie. I'll see you soon be safe I love you." She said then the video ended I took the dvd out and put it back on the side with the DVD player I looked in the box and there was also a bag of coffee and a Tupperware container with cookies in. I picked up the other letter that said phones and took them out. One was of Matthew another was of Betty holding him and the others was just of Betty laying in the hospital bed with her thumbs up. I can't believe I'm officially a dad.

 I can't believe I'm officially a dad

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