"Ohh..pshh I knew that, well listen girls, I've got to go get ready, why dont you go sit in your seats. we are going to be out soon" Niall said.

"Alright, good luck" I toleld Niall and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Good luck everyone" I shouted in the dressing room. Ari and I made our way out the door and she gave me an odd smile.

"What?" I asked her.

"You and Niall are to fricken cute" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Ari" I tolled her.

"No I'm serious, I mean Harry even has some rule doesnt he?" Ari asked.

"Yea, his rule is I cant make out with Niall infront him"

"Aww, wait thats happen before?" She asked and I couldnt help but remember all the timed I've kissed Niall infront of Harry, even though Harry  just made this rule this morning...

"Yeah..." I tolled her and she smiled even more.

"Oh stop it you!...You and Zayn are adorable too" I tolled her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but we dont count because were not even a couple... yet" She said.

"Well yea i know that but, you eventully will be and you will be the cutest couple ever" I tolled her and she just shrugged. By the time we ended our argument we allready at our seats. They were really good seats. They were front row and they were right in the middle. Probly the best seats in the house. If I knew these seats were this good, I would have tolled the boys to give these to some fans and toled the boys to get us different seats and give these to some fans who deserved them more. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.

Aftrer about a half an hour, the boys finally came on stage singing 'na na na'. After a few seconds the boys found us in the croud, After all we are right onfront. The next song was 'Tell me s lie' and then the rest of the concert whent  by quickly. Ari and I were up the hole time singing and dancing. When 'What makes you beautiful' came on, Niall was looking at me the hole time. It made me blush, but at the sametime, I saw Zayn sneak a few glances at Ari, making her blush too. They seemed like a pretty cute couple. But there was something about them that..well i dont know something bothers me about them, even though i'm the one who set them up wich is what is bothering me.

After the boys were finished perfornming, we met them back stage.

"Hey guys!" I said as i walked through the door.

"KYLIE!!!" Louis said as he ran overto me and tackled me in a hug.

"I missed you again"  Louis said.

"Louis, I just saw you like fuve minutes ago" I tolled him and he just shruged. After louis walked away, Niall came over to me.

"Hey babe" He said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hi" I tolled him.

"Did you like our show?" He asked and I noded. While Niall and I were talking, i saw Zayn and Kylie walk out of the room, I gave her a little wink and a nod of the head and she just blushed.

"What was that about?" Niall asked.

"Zayn said he wanted to talk to her about somthing..." I tolled him and he noded.

"Ok well listen, were going to explain to the boys about Samantha and tell them everything, right?" Niall asked and i noded.

"Yeah" I said.

"Well the boys are going out later tonight and i figured that we could just stay home with eachother" Niall said and I smiled.

"Yeah, i would like that" I tolled him and gave him a big kiss on the lips.

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