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Zenith's POV:

I wake to a uncomfortable pressure on my stomach. Astra sleeps with her head on my stomach, hands holding both of mine. Her long hair is covering her face. The door opens and the doctor I had yesterday walks in.
"Good to see your awake," he says. I force a smile. "Your vitals look good. Any chest pain?" He asks.
"No, sir," I say, playing with Astra's hair.
"You look all good to go, hut we need to run a few more tests before you can be discharged into custody. I recommend you say your goodbyes while you can," he tells me. I nod.
"I know."

I stand up from the bed, stretching out my body. I'm sore from being in the same position all night. Astra is bringing Mack here so I can say goodbye and explain everything to her. It hits me like a ton of bricks that I won't get to see her grow up, fall in love, get her heart broke, graduate, get married, possibly have kids of her own.
"Hey," Astra says once she opens the door, her voice softer than usual. Mack runs pass her and to me, hugging me tightly. I sigh, picking her up. "Be careful."
I set her down and kiss the top of her head. "I was so scared," Mack says. I give her a small smile as I sit down on the bed again.
"I'm okay, was just really stressed and it got to me," I tell her. She nods, moving her hair out of her face. "But I'm not coming home with you guys."
"What do you mean?" She asks, her face falling.
"I love you and Astra with my whole being, you two mean everything to me. But I'm not the best man, I make mistakes, and this mistake catched up to me. Being in a gang, leading it, wasn't really a choice for me, and I apologize for the mistakes I have made whole in this position.
I have to go to prison for a while, and I promise you that I will write you every chance I get and I won't ever not be thinking about you," I tell her. Teats fill her eyes.
"You can't leave us," she says, throwing her arms around me. Tears slips from my eyes as I squeeze my eyes shut to keep from sobbing.
"I love you so much."

I follow the guards out to the visiting room. And by visiting I mean a glass wall separating you from any contact with your visitor and communicating through a phone. Astra vittles with her fingers on the other side, looking around anxiously. I forgot this is her first time in this type of environment.
I sit down in the seat and give her a small smile. She looks up just as it fades, the corners of her mouth slowly turning up. Its hard seeing her and knowing I can't just reach out and hope her or kiss her.
I pick up the phone just as she does. "Hey, baby girl," I say, grinning. She sighs, closing her eyes for a second.
"I miss you so much," is the first thing she says. "What happened at your hearing?"
"I got it down to three years," I say, looking around behind me. "Most of the shit they can't get me for anymore. I'll be good in here," I say, watching as Matias walks out. I clench the small razorblade in my hand, monitoring his movements. He's young, very young, but I have to do what I have to do to earn respect in here. Plus, he's a Rebeldes, it'll be easy.
"Did you hear me?" Astra ask, snapping me out if it.
"No, what?" She sighs.
"Nothing, just that I love you," she says. I press my hand up to the glass like how they do in a cliche movie, she does the same.
"I love you too, Hermosa."
"Get him in the showers," Zenon tells me. I lean against the wall, crossing my arms and looking at the razorblade. "You have killed before right, man?"
"How you think I got in here?" He scuffs.
"He's a Rebeldes," he says.
"I know. It'll be easy to get him."

I make my way onto the showers, making sure no one else is here but Matias. I gate that he's young, but it's what I have to do. He turns his back to me, zipping up his jumpsuit half way to show just a little of his white-T. The ink on his arm, signifying what he's apart of, makes my blood run cold.
Making sure my movements are quiet, buy quick, I make my way towards him. I clap a hand on his shoulder, making him turn around just as I raise the hand with the razorblade, causing it to glide across his throat. Blood shoots out from his neck, covering my hands.
He falls to the ground, gripping his neck. I take off running in the opposite direction as soon as a man coming in starts yelling at the sight of the blood. "FUCK MATIAS!"
I stop running and cross my arms as I walk back to the court yard so my blood soaked hands are covered.
"You do it?" The man next to Zenon asks. I hand him the blade.
"Now don't fuck with me."

AN: Messy chapter, hehe see what I did there? Please comment and share! Believe in yourself-Vaeh

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