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Zenith's POV::

It's been two weeks and I can tell Astra is going crazy knowing her family is mad at her. Its my fault and I have to be the one to did it. I know it will be hard to face the man that killed my father and I once wanted to kill, but I have to do this for her.
My knees shake as I walk into the auto shop, looking around. When I was younger, my father used to just drive me by here, knowing we could never actually go inside. The sound of someone coming in from the back makes me jump.
Vito Reign. His jaw clenches at the sight of me. I'm expecting him to loose it immediately, for I'm on his territory, but he only stares. "What do you want?" He asks.
"To talk," I say. "About Astra." He stomps over to me, his eyes hard and his expression angry.
"There's nothing to talk about," he says. "She might be my daughter, but you claimed her. I'm a gang leader myself as you know, I know how claiming works." I shake my head.
"I love your daughter," I tell him. "When I first met her, it was nothing but to try and get to you, but you know that whole story. I fell in live with her and lost her. When I had the chance to get her back, I wasn't going to miss my shot. Your daughter is a genuine angel. I know you can't accept, but the least you can do is forgive her. You can't help who you fall in live with."
"You're one of them, I can't allow that," he says with hatred.
"Even for your daughter?" I ask. "She has hardly eaten in two weeks and looks exhausted just because you guys have practically disowned her!"
"Listen, my family is none of your conce-"
"It actually is. It became my concern the moment I the moment I slid that knife down your daughters arm," I say, trying to get under his skin. "I could have done a lot worse to her, put that knife on more vital area, but I didn't, because I love her."
He scuffs, looking away from me. "You guys don't know about love."
"I could say the same about you guys," I snap. "I've never killed someone's father." His eyes widen, his brows raising.
"You're Anthony's son?" He asks. I tense at my father's name as I nod. "Him and I were friends during school, but for obvious reasons we stopped. That night I didn't know who I was killing, I-I apologize for killing him."
I swallow down the lump in my throat. "Listen, just call Astra, or something " I turn around, fixing to walk out.
"Lucifer," he calls after me. "Don't hurt her. That's all I ask."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Mack is sitting at the kitchen table with Astra when I get home. She's explaining something to her for her math homework, leaning over the chair to point at something.
"How are my favorite girls?" I ask, handing my jacket up on the hook. Mack gets up and runs over to me, hugging me tightly. Astra gives us a genuine smile. "You seem to be in a better mood."
"I am," she says. "My dad called me and we talked. It wasn't like normal, but it was something." I smile to myself, happy he listened. "I made dinner."
"You didn't have to, I could have," I say. Mack cocks a brow. "What?"
"She's a way better cook." Astra struggles not to laugh and sets the food down after moving Mack's homework. "What happened to your arm?" Astra's movements stop, looking at me for help.
"I fell and cut my arm a few weeks ago," she lies. Mack shrugs and continues to eat. "Thank you," she whispers to me.
"Talking to my dad. You didn't have to do that,"' she says. I take her hand.
"Yes, I did," I tell her. I look at Mack and clear my throat. "How was school?"
I come out of the bathroom to see Astra already laying down on the right side of the bed, but closer to the middle. Never did I think I would ever share a bed with a girl, especially one like her. This past month I've thought about just asking her to move in with me, but I would have to speak to Nick about that first and Mack.
"You look hot in my shirt," I tell her. She rolls her eyes and sits up, bringing her knees to her chest. "I have to ask you something."
"Hit me," she says.
"Will you marry me?" I ask. Her expression goes blank. "I know this isn't the best way to ask you, and you might not be ready."
"Zenith," she says, taking my hand to stop my talking. "I want to marry you. My ink concern with that is Mack. How she reacts matters to me. I don't want to say yes without having her blessing."
"She loves you," I tell her.
"I know, I just feel we should run this by her first though."
Astra's POV::
Zenith and I sit side my side with Mack between us as we wait to be called in. She was more than happy to hear that Zenith proposed and said she was happy I was going to be her 'stepmom'. Part of me if scared to take on that title, but I guess I already did two months ago.
I don't feel that we're rushing onto this like everyone else must think. The night he claimed me was more official than this is. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. I didn't want to go through the whole wedding process again so soon, especially with my family still not fully supporting this. He's fine with just eloping, which I'm thankful for.
"Zenith Santiago," the man calls from behind the door. We all get up and make our way inside. Its set up as nice as it can be. He gives us a sweet smile. "You must be their witness," he says to Mack, shaking her head. "You guys ready for this?"
"Yes," we both answer. I van hear my heart beat in my ears, but it's not bad like it was when I was about to marry Elijah.
"Take each others hands, please," he says. We do as told, looking into each others eyes. "Do you, Zenith Lucifer Santiago, take Astra Rose Reign, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold through sickness and in health? Through riches and poor? For better and for worse?" He asks.
"I do," he says, grinning.
"Do you, Astra Rose Reign, take Zenith Lucifer Santiago, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold through sickness and thought health? Thought dishes and for poor? For better and for worse?" He asks me this time.
"I do." This time it was so easy, there was no hesitation. I know he's who I'm meant to be with no natter what anyone had to say about it. I love him with my whole being.
"Then, with the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Santiago. You may kiss your bride."
He leans down and kisses me, one hand cupping the back of my neck, the other cupping my cheek. It feels exactly how they say it does in the movies. It feels like the room is slowly spinning and it's just him and I. I want this moment to last forever and for him to never let me go.

AN: I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Santiago. Please comment and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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