Los Asesinos

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Astra's POV::

I wake in a random room I've never been in before. Usually it takes me a few minutes to get myself up from bed, but I shoot up from panic and rush to the large window in the room. We're in the center of city and thankfully everything looks familiar.
The door to the room opens. I try making a run for the bed, but stop when I see Zenith in nothing but his sweats. He looks even more handsome with his bed head and tired eyes. I look at him in confusion.
"Why am I here?"
"Good morning to you too," he says with a chuckle, shaking his head as he sits down on the edge if the bed. I look around anxiously. I can like feel the intense pain from the back of my leg. I guess my adrenaline was pumping when I first got up, so I didnt hurt as bad. "Sit down."
As much as I wish I could, I sit down next to him. I can hear the faint sound of a Good Charlotte song from the next apartment over; now that's gonna get stuck in my head. "Does it hurt really bad?" He asks.
"Only when I'm up on it, right now its fine. Thank you for asking," I say politely. He gives me a small smile. "Why am I here?" I ask for the second time.
"I didnt think it was a goof idea to bring you home after you'd been shot. Your parents would have asked questions and I'm sure you wouldn't of wanted to answer them, so I brought you here. Lover boy is very annoying; look a little over an hour for me to convince him it was better for you to be with me for the night."
I scuff. "He doesn't like you for obvious reasons." He smirks evilly. "What happened last night? You act almost as you know something." His brows raise.
"And why would you think that?"
"Last night you seemed awfully calm during the shooting and afterwards too I guess. Any normal person would have been freaking out," I tell him. He looks down, biting his bottom lip. Damn those lips. It's like they're laced with cocaine or heroine and I'm addicted to the high they give me.
"If I tell you...you'll only grow further from me when I want you closer," he says. So he does know something. I don't want to believe that he was involved in what happened.
"Please tell me, I have to know now. I know some stuff about you and I haven't ran yet, have I?"
"The key word is yet. This will make it happen," he says. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it, surprising him.
"I promise I won't run. After you tell me I'll still be right here sitting on this bed with you." He sighs, his jaw clenching. I let my eyes rake over him, stopping at his tattoos. He has sleeves on his arms in black and white ink and a quote in his side.
"I will raise hell," I accidently read out loud.
"That's exactly what I do; raise hell," he says. My eyes find his again. "My dad was a very...complicated man. He had people who lived him and people who hated him; he had a lot of enemies. He grew up in the gang life; the Los Asesinos. He met my mom when he became first in command and had my brother and I. He raised us the same why he had been. My mom and brother passed away in house fire that was supposably accident caused by something being left plugged in; we all know someone did it to kill them.
It was just my dad and I and we grew closer. He made me his second and I felt honored. Then he died; he got shot," he says, his eyes becoming cold and heartless. "Killing him and everyone else in the gang except for Manuel, the new leader, he wasn't there that night. He wants revenge on The Merciless (an: if there is any confusion, I am changing Vito's gang name). Some of the members were there last night and Manuel thought it was a good time to strike some of them. I wasn't involved in this one, I was just there when it happened with some friends."
I take in a shakey breath, scared of the answer to my next question. "Are you member still?"'
"Yes." A shiver runs down my spine. I'm sitting on a bed with a gang member. I'm in his house! He could kill me! "I know what your thinking, I'm not planning to hurt you; at least not physically. Your too pretty for that."
"I'm sorry about your family, you don't you deserve that," is all I can manage to say. His eyes widen. I can look at their bright green color forever not care; if you look close enough there's blue.
"That's what you have to say? Not that I'm a monster? Or that you want to leave immediately and never see me again?" He asks in shock. I can't help, but smile.
"I have a feeling that if you wanted me dead or anything of the sort, you would have done it already." He studies me for a second before shaking his head and sighing. "What?"
"Your amazing, Astra," he says. "I just told you that and you should be afraid."
"I'm not though."
"Your boyfriends a cop, you could just me waiting to tell him and get me busted," he says. I find myself leaning in closer to him.
"I can't tell him."
"Why is that?"
"I thought I belonged to you?"

AN: Did you like it? Did you like it? Did you like it? I really hope you did! I wanted to say that I'M CHANGING VITO'S GANG NAME! It was "The Killers" but then I remembered that Los Asesinos means "the killers" in Spanish so it wouldn't make sense for them to have the same gang name.
How do you feel about him opening up to her and the ending? Please comment and vote!! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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