Out To Get Some Dick

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                 Astra's POV::

      I pace back and forth in front of Natalie and Diego. I haven't told either of them what's happening, but here I am, acting like crazy person. The night of having a child scares the crap out of me. I know Zenith doesn't want more kids. He's going to be pissed.
     "Okay," Diego says, clapping his hands together. "I've had enough of this. Tell us what the hell is going on." I run my fingers through my hair. For someone who has literally just gotten out of jail, he's already acting like he's been here the whole time.
    "So, you know how I'm not on the best terms with my family right now?" I ask. They both nod. "I'm together with Lucifer, the leader of the Los Asesinos." Diego's jaw clenches as he stands up.
    "Are you fucking kidding me?" He asks, obviously pissed. Tears well up in my eyes. I can't handle more family members being mad at me for this.  They act as if you can choose who you fall in love with. 
    "No, I'm not fucking kidding! I already told my parents and while they are talking to me again, it's not same and I'm sure it won't ever be again. And guess what!? I'm fucking pregnant with his second child!" I yell.
    They both look at me in shock, not knowing what to say. I drop down into the chair, groaning. Even Nick yelled at me when I told him, saying that its immature to have unprotected sex, especially when it's your first time. Its been a month since I found out I was pregnant and I've been keeping it from everyone around me.
    "Well then," Natalie says, standing up and getting in front of me. "I'm gonna be a big cousin again. Just because the men and some women in this family are so balls deep into all this gang shit, doesn't mean I'm going to yell at you because you found someone your happy with."
    Tears well up in my eyes. "It's the hormones," I force out. "Did I mention we went to the court house and got married? I'm a Santiago." She starts squealing, jumping up and down.
   "Your fucking married!" She yells in excitement, grabbing Diego's sleeve. He forces a smile.
   "I'm not gonna be a douchebag, but just know I'm not gonna be drinking a beer with him anytime soon," he says. I smile, wiping my tears.
    Zenith sits quietly in the spare bedroom he turned into an office. Four muscular men stands in front of him. I stop in my tracks, scared to go in. I try and distance myself from their business the most I can.
    "Hello," one of the men says as I'm about to turn around. Zenith looks up from the papers on his desk. My cheeks turn red and hot.
    "This is my wife, Astra," Zenith says, standing and gesturing for me to come in. I walk in hesitantly. What if they recognize me was my dads daughter?
    "Astra....Reign?" Another one asks. I look down, my body tensing.
    "Santiago," I correct him softly. They all laugh as if its the funniest joke ever.
    "Really man? You married one of theirs?" A different one asks. Zenith glares at them, making them shut up.
   "You two better be out of town by six o close tomorrow helping him," he says, handing them each a piece of paper. They mumble something as they walk out, leaving Zenith and I alone.
    "Sorry, I didn't know you had people here," I say. He shrugs, sitting back down with a small smile. He's so handsome. I just want to rip all of his clothes off. I walk over and spin his chair so he's facing me.
    "You okay?" He asks suspiciously. Grinning, I get in straddling position, kissing his neck. He groans, tilting his head to the side to give me better access. I grind against him, moaning against his soft skin. The sound of a phone ringing makes me want to yell in frustration. Its been a month since we had sex for the first time and we haven't done anything since. Not to mention the pregnancy hormones make me want to jump his bones every five seconds. 
    He pulls away and grabs his phone. "Hello?" He asks, becoming all business again. It's sexy, but I would so much rather have him fucking me right now. He mumbles a few words I don't bother listening to before hanging up and looking at me sympathetically. I get up, knowing the drill by now. We start making out, things get heated, one of us gets a phone call, and one of us has to take off.
    "I'm so sorry...again," he says, standing and fixing his clothes. "This man being so close right now is really messing with our...activities." I force a laugh, subconsciously placing my hand on my stomach. I immediately remove it once I realize what I'm doing.
   "Well, promise you'll be back by dinner?" I ask. We still dony technically live together, but we technically do. I stay here most nights now that its summer, but during the school year I was staying at mine and Nick's place cause its closer to the school. However, depending on how the sells of my book does, I won't have to go back to teaching and I can focus more of my time writing the second installment to my book.
    "Of course."
    Its seven thirty and he's still not home. Its not normal for him to be late and not call or text me, so to say I'm worried would be an understatement. If my family and I were on better speaking terms, I would go to my mom and Hermosa for advice, but that's not the case right now. I have to figure this all out on my own.
     I sit down on the couch and open my phone. I see my dad has messaged me seven tines in the past thirteen minutes, which makes me worry even more! Did something happen to mom? Esteban!? Was it an emergency!?
   I open the texts to see pictures of Lulu in a fucking outfits. An outfit! No emergency, just him showing off his cute his dog is. That dog is immortal! And hates my guts. Once when I was ten, I tried petting her cause she was laying on my lap, and she nearly bit my middle finger off.
     Isn't she the cutest bitch you've ever seen!? -Dad
    I can't help but smile at the fact that he's talking to me normally. I immediately text back saying that he should have said it wasn't anything important before bombarding me with pictures of that she devil of a dog.
     The front door opens, making me jump off the couch. Oh no, hubby is not in a good mood. I make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He avoids looking at me.
    "What's wrong, baby?" I ask. We hardly use nicknames, especially on my side, but we try more often when one of is in a bad mood. It usually makes us crack a smile, but not now.
   "I don't want to talk about it," he says, trying to walk away, but I stay in place. He sighs, getting annoyed easily. "I ran into Dannie on my way to the car from seeing Sin." My brows draw together in confusion.
    "She's supposed to be at home with Mack," I say. He nods. "Well, maybe she was just running out to get something real quick." He shakes his head, running his hands down my arms.
   "She was out to get something all right; out to get some dick," he says. I gasp in shock. She's supposed to be watching over her daughter but she's trying to get laid. "It gets even worse. When I caught her, the man was paying her for such a good time," he says. My eyes widen.
    "I can't believe she managed to get custody. She's a surgeon now, not just a nurse, but a freaking surgeon. There is no way they're not paying her enough, this has just become a hobby for her."
    "Yeah," he says, rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry I came home so late, I seen her, then I confronted her, which just led to arguing. I'd didn't mean to be so late."
    "Well, have you eaten yet?" He shakes his head. I let my arms drop from around him and walk to the kitchen, taking out the dinner I made and putting it in the microwave.
    I have to tell him. now probably isn't the best time, but I don't think any time will be. I can't keep hiding this from him. I take the food out and place it on the table for him. He sits down and starts eating, still not in the best mood, but softening up. I'm gonna wait to tell him until he's done eating. No one can be in a bad mood after eating.
     "Can we talk?" I ask as I sit lay down in bed, burying myself in the blanket. He lays down on his side of the bed on his stomach, waiting for me to start. "I don't know how to even start this conversation."
    "Is it about sex? Cause I feel terrible about everything that's been happening lately. If it were up to me, we would shut our phones off and I'd have you all to myself for a week with no interruptions."
    I blush at the intimate topic. "That's not what this is about," I say. "I went to the doctor last month to get a check up and they did some blood tests-"
    "Your okay right!?" He asks in panic. If I wasn't telling in was pregnant, I would swoon at how cute he is when he's worried.
    "I'm perfectly fine and healthy...and so the baby," I say. His brows draw together. "I'm pregnant."
    AN: Longer chapter than usual. I'm trying to sort of make an updating schedule for myself, but I'm not gonna put it up or anything cause I never end up sticking to them. Okease go check out my new stories "Once an Angel" and "Black Roses" !! Comment, vote, and share!! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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